Page 55 of Meant to Be


Four Years Ago

Fairy lights are strung from wall to wall, hanging over us, appearing as though the stars have dropped from the sky.

Loud voices and laughter fill the room, with the music so loud the floor beneath my feet vibrates.

Elise’s hot breath is on my neck, her long arms secured around me as we dance and laugh to the latest hits blaring from the speaker. I’m light and buzzed from the alcohol. I feel great, considering Nick and I got into one of our infamous fights. The same as usual. I want more from him than he will give. But tonight, I’m forgetting about Nick.

“Eric wants to go for a walk,” she whispers into my ear, her lips lightly touching my earlobe. “Should I go?”

“Sure, if you want to,” I reply. “Do you?”

Elise shrugs, stepping back from me so that we can face each other. She looks gorgeous in a loose dress that reveals more skin than she usually would. She glows underneath the soft lights.

“Brennon is here.”

I raise an eyebrow. “Is that on again?”

She blows out a breath. “Yes. No. I don’t know. It’s nothing serious.” She rolls her lips into her mouth, her gaze shifting over my shoulder. “With Eric, it’s always going to be serious.”

“Do whatever feels right, El,” I say. “Just have fun. Don’t think too hard.”

“I could say the same to you.” She smiles, prodding her finger into my forehead. “What’s been going on with you? You’re so tense. Is it Nick?”

I wave her off. I can’t admit it to anyone. That my boyfriend doesn’t want to have sex with me. It’s a humiliation I can’t handle.

“Everything is fine.”

“Mmhmm …” She nods disbelievingly. “If you say so.”

“He’s just over there,” I murmur, jutting my chin out. “Brennon. He’s watching you.”

Elise darts a look over her shoulder, and their eyes meet. I melt away into the shadows. She doesn’t even notice I’ve left.

I break from the hall and push out into the dark night, needing air. My thoughts are whirling inside my head. I’m not happy. There, I admit it. Tears burn my eyes, and I find a swing to perch on at the park close to the hall. The music is quieter out here, and I feel some tenseness in my muscles ebb away.

Nick is a good guy.TheGood Guy. The guy you settle down with. But I’m not happy. I want more from him. I love him, but I’m at a loss.

“A pretty girl like you shouldn’t be out here all alone,” a surly voice murmurs in the dark.

I startle, whipping around and peering up at the dark figure of Harley. He is sitting up higher in the playground, his long legs dangling over the edge. His eyes glow a piercing blue in the dim light, and I can see his signature handsome smirk on his lips.

“Harley,” I breathe. “You frightened me.”

“Come join me.”

My heart slams into my ribcage. “What?”

“Come join me,” he says patiently. “The view is better up here.”

Exhaling a little shakily, I climb my way to where he is and sit beside him. Our arms touch, and I feel his body heat through his thin shirt. His scent washes over me, and I take in a long inhale, savouring it. God. Harley Caldwell is the hottest guy in Fern Grove. And he called mepretty.

“What’s the matter?” he asked.

“Just have a lot on my mind.”

“About your nice little boyfriend?” he mocks.

Lauren Jackson's Novels