“Nice place you have here. You’ve done well for yourself, Mia,” he commented. He looked around as he held the back of his neck. I was still moving, and he grabbed my little finger, making me redirect my attention to him and stop.

I looked at his sculpted jaw and stopped.

He looked at me with a pained expression.

“Thank you, what is it? Do you want a glass of water or a beer?” The words came out a little too quickly due to my nervousness.

He shut the lids of his eyes and made a whooshing sound between his teeth. “Dammit, quiet, woman. I have something I need to get off my chest,” he interjected.

“Oh! I’m sorry, go ahead. Tell me.” I was nattering a little bit more than normal because I felt nervy and the zip of electricity between our fingers was throwing me off.

“I made a mistake the other day when I dropped you off,” he said in a hoarse tone.

I didn’t know where this conversation was going and if I was going to like it, but I kept listening. “M’kay…” I drawled as I dropped my head and my hair fell forward.

He tilted my chin up to look at him.

He made me feel as if I was the only woman on earth with those intense baby blue eyes searching mine.

“I should have kissed you goodbye, the last time I saw you,” his voice was gravelly, thick with desire as his blue eyes honed in on my lips.

I felt my body flush hot and an ache in my center start to rise.

He moved closer to me with that same scent I loved, spice and soap. He rubbed my chin with his thumb as my arm involuntarily slipped around his waist. His lips touched mine softly at first as I enjoyed the sensation. He probed my lips open as our tongues danced together and the kiss deepened.

He groaned into my mouth and pulled back. “You taste better than I imagined, and that’s hard to do.”

A slow gurgle gathered at the base of my throat as I nestled my nose in the side of his neck. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

He kissed my temple as we hugged for a moment.

It felt mighty fine to be standing there in his strong arms, but it didn’t stop me worrying that I was doing the tango with danger. The magnetic pull between us was too strong and I couldn’t help but kiss him back. But if I got busted by the Devil Riders, my life could be on the line.

I pulled back slowly as reality hit me.

“Now can I get you something to drink?” I asked, so I could unscramble my brain.

He planted another soft kiss on my lips before he released me. “Sure, I’ll take a beer,” he said in his usual jovial manner.

I dug into the fridge door and pulled out a beer, handing it to him. I grabbed one for myself.

He looked a little awkward ? it was hard to know where we were going from here.

I knew I wasn’t ready to sleep with him, but I was happy for him to stay. “I was just about to settle in and watch Netflix if you want to join me.”

The tightness around his jaw relaxed as I moved to the couch and eased back on it. He sat right next to me, not giving me any space.

I didn’t mind, his body heat was nice next to mine. I went to grab the remote.

He placed his hand on top of mine gently. “Can we just talk?” he asked.

I looked at him, our eyes meeting. “Sure, what do you want to talk about?”

He lifted his head to the ceiling and then back down. “Let’s see… why did you become a lawyer?”

“That’s a good question. I wanted to defend those who were being incarcerated wrongfully in the beginning.” I paused, thinking about it. “I don’t know, I lost my mojo along the way. In some of the case convictions, I understood that I was defending criminals and they did commit the crimes. The problem is the system. Circumstantial evidence, the police tampering with crime scenes and reports. So I ended up in some cases, helping people get away with murder. I’ve become detached about it,” I admitted with regret. I did really start out wanting to help people.

“Wow. What about the girls at the club, though? I don’t believe for a minute you don’t care about people. I think you do. You just sound a little jaded is all,” he rightfully observed.