I wrinkled my nose at him. “Thanks. I care about those girls. They have a job to do and they shouldn’t be made to sleep with the boss in order to get a spot. It happens in a lot of industries, especially if it has to do with entertainment. Can’t be helped. That’s the way of the world, but I can do my part to help.” I lamented.

“You have a good streak. I started out with good intentions, too. Easy to get swept up on the wrong track. If it wasn’t for Rebel Saints, I don’t know where I would be.”

I could tell he was being genuine, and my secret alliance with the Devil Riders was making me feel worse the more he kept talking. “Being an accountant is a great profession,” I coaxed. “Looks to me like you worked it out.”

“That, it is. I’ve always had a head for numbers. I find it easy to see where to put them.” He changed subjects swiftly, “Have you always lived in Holbeck?”

“No, I went to law school across the country in California. I wanted a different experience, so I left here and came back.”

He seemed to be listening intently, hanging on my every word. “You didn’t like it out there enough to stay for good?” he questioned.

“No. Not my scene. I’m a country girl at heart. I wanted to be back here and help in my own community.”


A tough subject for me. I looked down at my translucent beer bottle and scraped off the paper around the front of it. “My father died years ago, and it’s just me and my mother. One of the reasons I work so hard,” I said quietly, not wanting to talk about it.

“I’m sorry, Mia. That’s rough, to lose one.” He rubbed my leg.

I enjoyed the warmth of his fingers on my thigh. “It’s okay, I’ve come to accept that he’s on the other side watching out. I still have my beautiful Mama, so that’s some consolation. I’m an only child, so I got love from both of them. Some never get that. What about yours?”

He picked up my hand and kissed it, not taking his eyes off mine. “Mine are both here. They are great, to be honest. I love them too. They’ve put up with me doing some knucklehead stuff over the years. Maybe a little misunderstanding about me being part of a motorcycle club, but they’ve come to relax about it over the years.”

I liked the calm of his voice, but my stomach was still queasy because I knew he wouldn’t be such a calm person if he knew the client I was working for.

It’s none of his business, Mia. Don’t worry about it.

“You’re lucky. That’s great. Do you have siblings?” I asked, coming back to the conversation.

He sat nestled into the couch and seemed at ease with me. “I do. I have an older brother who lives in Canada, so I rarely get to see him, only on major holidays.”

“That’s cool. I would love to go there one day,” I chimed in absentmindedly.

“Well, you never know, I might take you someday,” he said with a glint in his eyes.

I took an awkward sip of my beer as guilt sank in my stomach. Our knees were touching, and I didn’t want to pull mine away.

“Are you seeing anybody, Mia?” Numbers asked assertively.

“No. Not much time for dating right now. I’m single, married to my job,” I answered, dropping my head. “What about you? Are you a bad boy biker getting around town?” I asked, half-teasing and half-serious.

“No, not so much a bad boy these days. I was a little wilder in my younger years. That’s the truth, you got me pegged wrong. I’m a pretty steady guy. I like to have fun though, mix it up. I think people take life too seriously sometimes. It’s all a game, Mia. You can just press the reset button and start again,” he said.

His own brand of wisdom made me giggle.

“That giggle sounds like music. I like to hear it and make you smile. Makes me smile. What’s funny though?”

“You are. You’re wiser than you look.”

He unhooked his arm from around me and gave me a mock upset face. “What? I don’t look wise? C’mon, who wouldn’t trust this face for advice?”

More laughter ensued and I knew at this present moment, this man was good for my soul. He was worth the dangerous tag he came with. I knew I was playing with fire, but I was willing to risk it. “I’m just saying. It’s a compliment really.”

“Is it? It sounded like an insult to me.”

I planted a spontaneous kiss on his lips. “Not at all.” I didn’t want to admit the feeling of butterflies weaving around in my stomach.

“And you know what I think?” Numbers said in a low voice as his eyes darkened.

“What’s that?” I whispered.

“That you are sexy as sin, like one of those hot librarians with glasses.”

I giggled some more. He really did make me feel good.

We kissed again and the nagging feelings in my stomach disintegrated. For the time being anyway…