Ariana's jaw dropped. "Oh, now you trust me?"

"I trust that you understand the consequences of failing," Kaitlynn said. She slid the strap of the suede bag up onto her shoulder as she stood, her backpack on the other arm. "Nice work, B.L.," she said, sliding a pair of aviator sunglasses onto her nose. "I'll say hi to the kangaroos for you."

As Kaitlynn brushed by, tugging a rolling suitcase behind her, Ariana realized she couldn't move. Didn't want to flinch and risk waking up from what had to be a dream.

"You know, I have to say, I wish it had turned out differently," Kaitlynn said, turning to face her. "You really were the best friend I ever had."

Ariana swallowed back the ten million insults, questions, and accusations that crowded her throat. She did not want to risk angering Kaitlynn now. She did not want to risk the girl lingering here one second longer and deciding she wanted to stay.


"So that's really it," she said. "You're really going."

Kaitlynn smiled a bit sadly. "Yes. This is really it," she said. "Have a nice life, Briana Leigh," she added, saying the name without a hint of sarcasm for the first time.

"You too, whatever your new name is," Ariana replied with a smirk.

Kaitlynn's smile widened for a split second and then she turned and walked away. She strolled through the crowded lobby of the Palo-mar and shoved the glass door open with the heel of her hand. Ariana stood there, stock still, as she watched the doorman hail a cab. Watched Kaitlynn get inside. Watched her slam the door. Watched the car pull away and disappear into traffic.

The torture was finally over. Really and truly.

And her new life was just about to begin.


LOOKING UPOn the way back to campus, Ariana indulged in a shopping spree. She blew almost all of her five-hundred-dollar allowance on champagne, chocolates, glassware, and a glass platter at an upscale market near Capitol Hill. If she was truly going to start her new life, she intended to do it in style. She was so confident and giddy, the clerk behind the counter barely even glanced at her fake ID. As Ariana got back in the cab and headed toward APH, she took in the sights of Washington for the first time since her arrival. Finally, she felt able to enjoy the historical buildings and stately monuments. Things were very much looking up.

Back at school, Ariana felt as if the universe were smiling down at her. Allison was nowhere to be found, so she had the room all to herself to set up. She laid out the treats on the platter and poured five glasses of bubbly, then slipped handwritten invitations under the doors of her friends' rooms. Within minutes there was a knock on her dorm room door. When she opened it, all four of them were gathered in the hallway.


"What's all this about?" Lexa asked, holding up the invitation.

"Just a little celebration!" Ariana said, lifting a palm. "Come in!"

"Is that champagne?" Soomie asked, her eyes widening. She quickly closed the door behind her, then stayed close to it, as if she wanted to be ready to make her escape in case of a raid. Maria and Brigit, meanwhile, pounced on the glasses. "That is so against the rules."

"Come on, Soomie. Live a little," Maria said, handing her a glass. Soomie took it between her thumb and fingers and wrinkled her nose, holding it away from her as if it were a glass of liquid poison.

"So, what are we celebrating?" Lexa asked, holding her glass aloft.

"Whatever you guys want to celebrate," Ariana said. Her heart was so giddy she wanted to giggle. But she had always hated giggling. It was so unsophisticated. She struggled to hold the urge back and pressed her lips together.

"To winning the crew race tomorrow and getting into Privilege House" Lexa said, tipping her glass slightly.

Ariana's heart panged, but she let it go. She was not going to think negative thoughts. Not here. Not now.

"To the start of a new school year," Soomie suggested, finally stepping away from the door.

"To Ana kicking Tahira's ass!" Brigit put in.

"To . . . new friends," Maria said, glancing at Ariana.

Ariana smiled. The giggle finally escaped and she didn't even mind. "To new beginnings."

"Hear, hear," Lexa cheered. Everyone laughed, and together they stepped into a tight circle, clinking their glasses together as one.