That evening after dinner, Soomie challenged Ariana to a game of chess and Ariana, ignoring the warnings of her other friends about Soomie' s skill, agreed. They all adjourned to the Hill, which was packed with people unwinding after their meal, and Ariana was looking forward to a good battle of wits.But she should have heeded her friends' warnings. Soomie was beating her. Big-time.

"So I wanted to go to a dance academy, but my father forbade it," Maria said, lounging back with both legs hooked over the leather arm of her chair. "Only if I graduate from APH with a three-point-five or better can I pursue a career in dance. And then I only have one year. If I don't reach some predetermined level of success after one year, it's col


Ariana sat forward in her comfy suede chair and moved her rook on the chessboard. She was starting to get the feeling that Maria's


father was a major dictator. "Who predetermines the level of success you have to reach?"

Without a moment's hesitation, Soomie moved her pawn and sat back again.

"He does, of course," Maria said, sipping her coffee.

"Fathers," Lexa said, rolling her eyes.

"Tell me about it. My dad totally fired Rudolpho," Brigit added, dropping onto the end of the couch where Soomie was seated. "I liked Rudolpho. What happened wasn't his fault."

Ariana sucked in a breath through her teeth and her fingers automatically clenched into a fist. Did they have to talk about the missing money every second? Couldn't they all just relax?

"Well, stick a fork in us. We're done," Palmer announced, flopping onto the couch next to Lexa and leaning back into the crook of her arm. Ariana's fist clenched even tighter. Palmer rolled his baseball between his hands and gazed at it in a distracted way.

"What's the matter?" Lexa asked, reaching up to run her fingers over his hair.

He sighed. "I just talked to Elizabeth and Martin and wheedled their crew times out of them. They each have a good five seconds on our best time. There's no way we can win this thing. Hope you girls are comfortable at Cornwall, because it looks like it's where you'll be staying."

"No!" Maria said lifting her head. "I need my river view!"

"Sorry. Get used to staring at the parking lot," Palmer said with a sigh.


"Some captain you are," Brigit said.

Everyone gaped at her.

"Brigit!" Lexa scolded.

"What?" Brigit scooched to the edge of her seat and planted her feet firmly on the floor. "I'm serious! What kind of captain talks like that?"

"A realistic one," Palmer said, sitting up straight and sliding away from Lexa. Ariana's fingers unclenched and she felt the sting of the points where her nails had dug into her palm.

Let it go. You have to let this attraction go, she told herself. Lexa told you about the secret societies. She has your back. You have to have hers.She reached for the board and moved her rook again.

"The blue and gray teams are packed with crew team members, and we only have three: me, Landon, and Rob," Palmer said, bracing his elbows on his thighs as he leaned forward. "And scrawny guys like Adam and Christian are not gonna get it done."

"I say we sabotage their boats," Lexa suggested, glancing at Maria and laughing. "Mess with their rudders or something."

Ariana's heart skipped a beat. Was that possible?

"Why does everyone keep suggesting cheating?" Palmer blurted, dropping back on the couch. "I'd rather lose fairly than cheat."

Lexa's cheeks darkened in embarrassment. "I was just kidding, Palmer," she said, glancing toward the center of the room and away from him. "You know me better than that."

Palmer blew out a sigh. "I know. I'm sorry." He reached up and toyed with her hair on her back. "I'm just pissed off. With that Landon fund-raiser, I really thought this whole thing was in the bag."