She deserved the fairytale. She deserved the chance to have a happy ending.

I walked her back to the table we were sharing with the rest of the family, more determined than ever to make things right.

"Beautiful speech, Nadine." My father clinked Grandma's glass and kissed my mom's forehead.

Maybe my curse was to be surrounded by happy people until I got my head out of my ass and made a choice.

"Great party." I licked my lips nervously.

"It's a luau," Grandma corrected. "We Hawaiians do not party, we feast."

"You're not Hawaiian," Jake pointed out.

"Am too."

Jake sighed, "How do you figure?"

"I visit every year."

"Which would make you a tourist," Travis took a sip of his drink, "not a local."

"I joined a local tribe."

"Do they call them tribes here?" I asked. "I don't think that's politically correct."

"Thank you, Mr. Senator," Jake said crisply.

"What the hell is your problem?" I pushed back my chair. "Do you really want to fight again? Do you want to get your ass kicked in front of your entire family? I'll do it, Jake. Don't tempt me. I'm sick and tired of your pompous attitude!"

The table fell silent.

My chest heaved.

I looked around for support. Jake was grinning like a fool, as if he'd done it on purpose. What the hell?

And then he clapped. "Finally."

"Finally?" My voice was hoarse. "Get there faster, man, before I strangle you."

"It's not normal to be calm all the time," Jake said in that same calm, irritating voice. "If I wasn't convinced earlier, I sure am now."


"You need a wife."

"You need to stop talking. Now."

"Why would I stop talking when I know it pisses you off so much to fill the air with my voice?" He stood. "Let's go talk."

"Do you really trust me not to kill you and build a sandcastle over your dead body?"

"Of course." He shrugged. "Politicians hate prison."

With a sigh, I stuffed my hands in my pockets and followed Jake, the ass, out onto the beach. Great, another heart-to-heart from a Titus brother. I was cursed all right, or maybe just haunted.

Once we reached the beach, he took a seat on the sand. I followed, waiting for the gauntlet to fall.

"We all have our shit we need to deal with. Nobody's perfect, Jace."