"I know."

"No, you don't." Jake grimaced. "Because if you knew that, you wouldn't be acting like such an asshole to Beth. You wouldn't be thinking about what this situation is doing to your polls. You wouldn't be planning out your entire workweek, while she's sitting there staring at you like you hung the moon and freaking stars. You sure as hell wouldn't be sitting around the table with your parents watching, while you played pretty with our family."

"Wow, you know me so well," I said dryly. "You done?"

"Nope." Jake laughed out loud. "I know I'm not usually the voice of reason, but hear me out."

"Five minutes."

"You like Beth."


"You want Beth."


"You want to spend time with Beth alone?"


"Yet you're letting people control your decisions because you want to make everyone happy. Because you can't stand the fact that you may let your parents down, or even Grandma, who you've only known for a year."

"Are you telling me to come clean?"

"Not at all." Jake shrugged. "I'm saying only someone truly stupid would worry about what everyone else thought, when the woman of his dreams was sitting right next to him. So you want to kiss her? Kiss her. You want to touch her? Touch her. You want to run away with her? Sneak out? Get crazy? The only person stopping you right now is you and your damn ideas about perfection."

"It's like you're giving me permission to do drugs or have sex."

Jake let out a bark of laughter. "Well, drugs aren't the way to go, just look at Grandma."

I smirked.

"And while I wouldn't suggest another one-night stand… it wouldn't hurt to kiss her instead of making her cry."

"She was crying?" My heart slammed against my chest.

"Grandma told Char who ended up telling me. What you do with this information is all you. But word to the wise? Grandma's never been wrong."

"Why do people keep telling me that?"

"Because it's true."

We sat in silence.

Groaning, Jake smacked me on the shoulder. "Go on, Thor, steal her away."

"Not you too."

"It's a catchy nickname." He snickered.

"Everything okay out here?" Grandma nearly fell on her face as she maneuvered through the sand like a drunken sailor.

"I'm sick," I blurted.

"Was it the fish?" she said in a low voice. "Cause I'll tell you one thing, that ladies' restroom won't be the same after I went in there and—"

"He should go to his room. I'll send Beth," Jake said, coming to my rescue.