Victoria had never been in my house, but she walked in like she owned the place. As she walked toward my kitchen and I looked at her sexy, shapely ass in her long brown skirt and blouse, my heart filled as I felt like she belonged there. I hadn’t brought her over to my place because she didn’t want to be seen there, but seeing her there, made me want to have her there, all the time, permanently, forever.

But something had her spooked. And as happy as I was to have her in my place, in my space, she wouldn’t have come to see me unless it was an emergency.

“Whatever happened, we can fix it. Together. I’m here for you. Did something happen at school? With your mother?” I asked.

She stopped in the kitchen, standing next to the countertop. Her hands were on her hips, and she looked beyond distraught. I knew whatever had happened was bad, and I longed to know what it was so that I could make it better. I had to.

“See, that’s the thing. We can’t do anything. By there even us being an ‘us’ that’s what is causing all the problems,” she said.

I lifted my head to the ceiling and tried to calm my annoyance and frustration bubbling towards the surface. I thought we had gone over this, I thought we had moved past it, and I thought she was okay with it. “Victoria, not this again.”

“Oh, no. It isn’t this again. At least not by me. This has nothing to do with my insecurities or how you made me think that I was paranoid that our being together could hurt either of us. Because, you see, it actually happened. The one thing that I didn’t want to happen and the one thing you told me, you practically promised me would never happen, has.”

“What are you talking about?” A chill ran down my spine. My father was a man of his word, no matter how much Ashley could try and make me think otherwise. If he said he was going to do something, then he would do it. I should have known he would act on his threat immediately. By how Victoria was looking at me, he had, and it was brutal. “What did my father do?”

“Your father didn’t do anything. It was what we did. What I should have never let happen. One lapse in judgment, one moment in time where I thought that I had everything I wanted, and I ruined it all. I can’t believe I was so stupid as to let this happen. That I allowed you to make me think that we could have this, whatever this is.”

“This? What you and I have is incredible. It’s life-changing. It's a once-in-a-lifetime. And if you think that I’m going to just throw it away because something bad happened, you have another thing coming. Tell me what happened,” I demanded.

“Someone caught us in my office the other day. Someone saw us and reported it to my principal. He wasn’t too pleased, to say the least, and threatened to deny me my tenure.”

“He can’t do that. We didn’t even do anything.”

My mind tried to remember everything we had done in her classroom. We had kissed, and I had squeezed her ass. I had started to walk her over to her desk to do more than that when she had stopped us. I had agreed, reluctantly. I couldn’t see how anyone had seen us or how they could have been offended by what we did.

“I told him as much, but he didn’t believe me, or he really didn’t care. It doesn’t matter. He has a witness, and they can say we did something wrong or not in the code of conduct for the school, and I will be out of a job and a career. If I get fired from there, I can kiss the idea of getting tenure anywhere goodbye.”

“We can fight this. We will fight this. I won’t let them do this to you.”

“You don’t have to. There’s one simple and easy way to fix this. One that will solve everything.”

“Tell me, what is it?”

“You and I have to end things and agree never to see each other again.”

“Is that what you want?” There was no way that I was going to let her go that easily. There had to be another way to make this right, to reason with the principal. I wanted to fight for us, for what we could have, but I couldn’t do it alone.

“It doesn’t matter what I want. They have my career in their hands. I can’t lose it. I have worked too hard and done too much to just let it go. If I have to give you up to keep it, I should.”

“Are you feeling guilty, like you did something wrong, and you feel that you need to be punished? Is that why you are giving in so easily?”

“Sort of. I was the one who told you to lock the door. I was the one who started kissing you. I knew where I was, and I should never have let it happen. Maybe I don’t deserve to be a teacher after this.”

“We all make mistakes, and you shouldn’t be punished for one. Even if I don’t think this was one. You can’t just give in to them.”

“I said I should, but I don’t know if I can.”

“What are you saying?”

“I’m saying I don’t know what I want to do. I don’t know what I should do. It’s why I came to see you. I wanted to know what you thought, what you would think, and I have my answer.”

“You’re worth fighting for. We’re worth fighting for. I’m not going to lose you. And you aren’t going to lose your job. I think I know why this is happening to you.”

“To me? I did this to myself. We did this. We have to face the consequences. I just need to know what those are. What I should choose.”

I reached over and took both of Victoria’s hands in mine. She looked so distraught, so confused, and I could see how much she cared about me. If she didn’t, she would have just left me, never told me why, and moved on with her life. But she didn’t. She wanted to find a way to have both her career and me. Even if she hadn’t said it, I knew that she loved me. And because she did and I loved her too, I would find a way for her to have everything she wanted.

“That’s what I’m telling you. You don’t have to choose between the two. While this is happening to you, to us, it really isn’t about you. Well, not the way you think. The reason all this is happening is because of my father. He doesn’t want us to be together, and this is his way of trying to keep us apart.”

Ashley Sands's Novels