Chapter 23


“Your father? Why would he do that? I thought he loved you. I thought he liked me. Why would he try and keep us apart?” I asked.

After I left the principal's office, giving him a half-ass answer that I would get back to him and practically running away, I went to Zach’s house. I hadn’t even realized I was going there until I was heading in that direction. Once I did, I had to find the address to actually know where I was going as I had never been there. When I got to the front of his house, I was surprised at how normal it looked.

I had expected his house to be more of a bachelor pad or have some strange art to make him stand out as he might need to with his career and position, but it didn't. It looked like any other house on the block. Seeing it only made me realize that he was not at all what I ever thought he was going to be, and he continued to surprise and impress me with who he was.

It also made it easier for me to walk into his house and talk to him about what we were going to do. And it was a we, not a me, decision. I wanted him to know what was going on. I needed to get his advice and help me figure out what to do.

The last thing I had expected for him to tell me was that his father was behind it all.

“Let me explain,” Zach said.

He kept my hands in his while he told me about his father coming to see him, what he had said, the threat he had made, and how Zach hadn’t known what he was going to do, how he had hoped he wasn’t going to do anything, but he had never thought this would happen.

“I’m so sorry. I never thought he would go this far. That loving you would be this much of an issue,” Zach said.

“Loving me?” I asked.

“Yes.” Zach looked at me as if I had asked the dumbest question possible.

“You never said anything about love.”

“Well, I do, Victoria Jackson. I love you. I have for some time. Probably longer than I even realized. And not my father, not your principal, not anyone is ever going to keep us apart. I want to be with you, and if my father thinks that threatening you or scaring you is going to make me leave you, he and everyone else has another think coming.”

I hadn’t known what to expect when I knocked on Zach’s door. I expected him to be shocked, annoyed, even protective of me. I never thought he would say what he was saying or vow to make all the problems go away. As I looked into his eyes, I knew he meant everything he was saying, and I knew as long as I was with him, the man I loved, everything was going to be okay.

“You love me,” I said.

“Yes. Is that so hard to believe?”

“In a word, yes.”

He laughed. “You’re the most incredible woman I’ve ever met. I love being around you. I love the person I am when I’m with you. I love that we can talk for hours. I love that you understand the world that I grew up in and choose to run as far away from it as I did. I love how we are together. And I really love how incredible we are in bed. You are, without a doubt, the best lover I’ve ever had. And it only keeps getting better.”


“I know you have issues with commitment, and your parents didn’t give you the best role models, so I can understand if you’re hesitant about saying it. You don’t have to right now, or ever. Just know that I do, and I want to be with you. Now, forever, as long as you will have me.”

“As long as I will have you?”


“Can I have you now?”

Zach laughed. “Yes. Always.”

I pulled him towards me and turned towards the couch. Zach followed willfully behind me. Once there, I turned him around so that he was standing in front of the couch. He smiled at me, and I could tell he was letting me take the lead on this one. Whatever I wanted to do, he was all for. In that moment, I knew I loved him. I loved him for all the reasons he said and more. I loved that he knew me better than I knew myself. I loved that he knew I would need him to tell me first. By doing that, it made it easier for me to tell him.

It would have been easy to tell him right at that moment, but I wanted to show him. I wanted him to feel how much I loved him so that when I said it, it meant all the more.

I smiled at him, and then with one finger, I pushed him down onto the couch. He laughed as he fell over and bounced on the cushions. I knelt right between his legs when he did, and my hands went to his pants, making quick work of taking them off. When they were gone, I ran my hands up and down his legs.

Zach moaned his approval but stayed where he was. I worked my way around him, lightly touched my hands along his thighs, up to his stomach, and back again. He twitched slightly at my touch, and I could tell he liked how I was teasing him. I gave him little kisses along his thighs as I worked my way towards his member. It had gotten harder and bigger the more I touched him.

As he had done with me countless times, I took my time, enjoying the sound of his breathing coming in slightly faster, how his body started to tense, and how his erection got bigger and bigger right before my eyes. I looked at his member and how big it was and then up at Zach. He was sitting on the couch, his eyes closed, but a small bead of sweat had formed at the top of his forehead. He was letting me do what I wanted, but it was costing him. I moved between his legs, and reaching my right hand down, I squeezed his balls. He moaned as I did, and his cock jerked in response. I took my tongue and glided it from the bottom of his shaft all the way to the top, taking my time as I did. Once there, I put my lips on his tip and sucked.

Ashley Sands's Novels