Page 101 of The Prodigal Twin


It’sbeen172hours since my wife disappeared. The arrival of the FBI brought the media circus. Now, everyone is making their own assumptions. Just like that, the once kidnapped heiress and the twin who returned from the dead are the only thing anyone wants to talk about. Our marriage has been labeled a publicity stunt and a farce. To the public, we are the number one suspect in Everie’s disappearance. The town buzzes with all the times the Cambridges have gotten away with murder. As far as I know, Whit and Rowe have killed no one.

My past isn’t as spotless. I’ve discovered a lot about myself since I’ve been away. I was one year into therapy and still blank when I opted to try my hand working for Tucker. Günter tested me to see if I had the nerve. Instinct overrode my amnesia. My body would fight off muscle memory, but I’d pull back in the end.

One day, Günter knocked me on my ass and put a gun to my forehead, all while never dropping the smirk on his face. I’ll never forget what he told me.

“You’re good, but you're fighting for sport. Here, we fight to survive. There are no rules beyond staying alive. Fight dirty because life is a dirty bitch. “

I’m exhausted; I can’t close my eyes without flashes of my worst fears. I can’t sleep without knowing she’s okay. If she’s not, I’m not sure if I’ll ever sleep again. I must go on. Tucker allowed me to be out with Günter, looking for the answers. I don’t know how he does it, but he finds things quickly. We’d gone to the vet where they stabilized Coco and he somehow got a clue from that. The FBI is spinning their wheels because they tracked her phone to a dead end.

We are looking elsewhere while they continue their wild goose chase. We found the men that took her. Günter stormed in first, taking out two while I fought the first guy I grabbed. All the rage and anxiety went into beating the shit out of him until he fell to the ground. He yelped when I kicked his leg.

Blood trickled from that spot; I ripped the leg of his pants to find a bite mark.

“You like to shoot dogs?”

He doesn’t answer my rhetorical question. I didn’t give him a chance. He yelled in pain when I shot him where he shot Coco. Then stomped him until he passed out.

Groaning pulls me out of my thoughts. I turn from where I was staring out the window while Günter searched for what only he knows. The asshole grimaces in pain as he regains consciousness.

“Who hired you?”

My question goes unanswered because Günter appears and shoots him in the head.

“Let’s go.”

I follow his order without issue because he runs the show when Tucker isn’t around. Besides, he doesn’t do anything lightly. Killing the last one means he has all the information he needs. My phone rings while he’s calling Tucker.

I don’t recognize the number but answer in case my wife got away and is trying to get me.

“Hello?” My voice is full of hope.

“Oh, no,” Anika laughs. “Did you think I was that idiot? What kind of dummy gets kidnapped twice?”

I bare my teeth but don’t make a sound. She wants me to react. Anika called to gloat because she’s pissed I got married.

“Did you have anything to do with this?” My question is as calm as I can make it, she will not get the satisfaction of seeing me in distress.

“I wish I could have video called you. Did you cry?”

I repeat my question, while doing my best to not let her goad me. “Did you have something to do with this?”

“God, no,” she scoffs. “There would be no mystery. I’d have her killed and send you the pictures. Maybe if you find her, I’ll do just that.”

Each word pushes her closer to her grave, but I keep it to myself.

“You should have married me. I’m not stupid.”

“But you are stupid, Anika. You keep running after dick you can’t have.”

“I’ve had it. That little bastard wouldn’t exist otherwise.”

“Only because of one of your schemes, I’d never willingly fuck you. You are so insignificant that this brief phone call is amusing.” My hand grips the phone so hard I’m afraid I’ll break it, but she’ll never know. “Enjoy prison.”

She’s screeching something as I hang up. I punch the back of the empty seat several times, then take a deep breath as I adjust my ponytail.

“Where are we going now?”

Günter smirks like everything I do is normal. “You’re not going to fucking believe it. If I’m correct, this asshole is bold as fuck.”

“I pray that you’re right, because I’d love to dismantle him.”

The rest of the ride is silent as he looks over some notes and I think of all the ways I want to kill the man who harmed my wife. Happy is still behind bars, so the who and why are still in the air. Either way, we are mortal enemies.