Page 102 of The Prodigal Twin


WhenIcometo, I know that I’m trapped and that only one eye opens. Whimpering, I try to sit up, but I can’t because everything hurts so badly.

“Where?” I croak out, then clutch my throat because it hurts. Did I get throat punched or something?

Chills run up and down my body. The cold takes over and I pull myself into a fetal position, trying not to cry. Whoever has taken me hasn’t made themselves known and if there’s anything that I’ve learned from being kidnapped before, it’s that it’s worse that I don’t know who’s taken me.

My eyes shut and the dark takes over again while I avoid the aches that are consuming my body. I won’t cry.

I’m strong.

“Wake up!” Is all I hear before I’m plunged into freezing water and the shock is immediate.

My body reacts as I try to hold on to something, anything that can help me, but nothing. The same person lifts me up as the air hits my body and I don’t get the chance to notice anything else but that I’m naked right before I end up back in the water again, gurgling trying not to pass out.

My throat and nose burn badly from the impact of swallowing and inhaling so much of it. My vision blurs one more time as I lose my footing, feeling every breath trying to escape my body under water but it’s impossible.

The tips of my fingernails that are intact succeed as they dig into skin, which causes the assailant to wrap his big hand around my throat, keeping me in the tub of freezing water longer. My world grows dark again.

“Happy’s little girl,” his voice filters in and immediately, without fully opening my one eye, I crawl away from the voice.

“Please, no…” I whisper and when I look up, it’s not happy. It’s another person, “Perry?” I call his name out.

Perry isn’t the same as he was before. He doesn’t look like the sweet person he did even though he took things too far, but he was harmless.

“I’ve always wanted to meet Happy’s little girl and when he gave me the perfect opportunity to, we set our plan in motion. You didn’t miss him, I see, but he missed you.” He says, getting closer to me.

“Perry, you don’t understand. Please, let me go.” Tears fall down my face.

His green eyes shine with mischief, just like Ray’s. “he said you wouldn’t respond to me well unless I was in clown gear up, but I don’t want to do just that. I want you to see me first. See what you did to me because you escaped from him.”

“Whatever I did, I’m sorry.” I whisper.

“Shut up!” Perry yells out, and he strikes me across my face, causing me to hit my head against the wall.

My world grows a little dizzy, and that’s when it clicks for me that no one will know where I am. We’re in the soundproof studio room right under the stage, it’s not too small where we can’t move around but it doesn’t have much to it.

“Perry, please let me go.” I croak out.

“You think someone is coming for you, Everie?” He chuckles just like Ray and my skin crawls. Perry stands and pulls out his cell, taking pictures of me. “Sending it to Ray, he misses his little girl.”

“I’m not afraid of him anymore.” I say, voice trembling. “I’m not afraid of you, Perry.”

“You will be and by the end of this, Everie, you’re going to want to kill yourself and sacrifice your body to Ray. He’ll always have a part of you. You are his. I might just kill the man you think that loves you.”

“Fuck you.” I grit through my teeth, eyes blazing with rage.

“You want another man’s blood on your hands, Everie?” He says.

“Go to hell. Walt won’t die. It doesn’t matter, he won’t.”

Perry chuckles. “I’ll kill him to simply prove that I’m better than him. Actually, I’ll take him and wear him as a coat. That’s it, from now on,” he snaps his finger like he’s discovered something. “Call me Walt.”

I jerk my head back. “No.” I shake my head.

Perry practically sprints up to me and grabs me by the throat, taking the breath out of me. His green eyes shine bright, and he stands closer in my face. He looks nothing like Walt, and that’s all I’m grateful for. “Call me Walt.”

“No.” I grit my teeth.