Page 103 of The Prodigal Twin

Perry chuckles like a madman, then headbutts me so hard, I knock out instantly.

I don’t know how long Perry has come in and forced me to call him Walt. Each day, I refuse, but it’s becoming harder. He now has Walt’s eye color, his hair, and he even matches the speech pattern that Walt uses when he speaks. I know he isn’t Walt, but not getting much in my system and only being allowed to drink water and pee is messing with my mind.

I can’t tell how long it’s been because I can’t see if it’s day or night. It doesn’t help that I can’t dream of Walt either. I don’t dream of anything. Everything is so blank, but when I open my eyes, my heart warms because I think of him. I think of Walt and his smile. The way he calls my name even when he’s upset. I’d give anything to hear his voice or have him hug me. Hell, I’d settle for him being upset with me, but right in front of me.

My fingers twitch as the memory of running my fingers through his hair comes in first, and then every emotion comes in waves. I don’t cry, no, not at all. Instead, I smile because I’ve finally been able to find love. I love Walt and in a brief span, he’s made me happy for a lifetime.

My joy is snatched away as Perry comes back in. This time, he doesn’t say anything. He comes over, sitting me up as he removes my restraints, then he throws a knife at my feet.

“Choose to end your life with the old Walt or live, live with the new one and be happy. Be happy with me and Ray. He’s getting out, you know? He said he can’t wait to see you. To feed you cakes. He doesn’t care that you’re older now. Maybe things can change now that you’re older. He’ll grow tired and give you to me like he promised. You owe me that much.”

“I don’t owe you anything.”

“YOU OWE ME EVERYTHING! Because of YOU, I am in this predicament. Because of YOU, I am how I am. Had you stayed with him, I wouldn’t be here! I wouldn’t be how I am, Everest! YOU MADE ME LIKE THIS! You did and for that, I’ll give you more than you could ever ask for from me. I’LL GIVE YOU HELL!” He growls out, scaring me.

He walks out, slamming the door, and I stare at the knife he’s left behind. I won’t kill myself. I never will. Ray will not win again. I won’t. Tears fall down my face, and all I can hear is Walt’s voice in my mind.

I fucking love you, Everie…

Perry walks back in and throws something at me, but when they fall down like rain around me, the thud is heavy in my heart while the photos make no sounds at all. My fingers tremble as I pick up one of the photos, it’s of Walt. He’s badly bruised, blood everywhere and in my heart, I know that he’s gone. He’s not here anymore.

As my ears ring, my bottom lip quivers. My vision blurs and the dizziness strikes my gut, causing bile to rise, but all I can do is heave. My fingers curl around the photos and my hearing comes back in when I hear Perry cackling like a fucking monster. There’s nothing there but emptiness and rage that I feel right now.

Suddenly everything is so clear to me. Clearer than my vision and these burning contacts. The shock that they haven’t fallen out nor have I thought about them lets me know how much I don’t care about that. How my single focus was staying strong and getting back to Walt.

My soul feels as though it’s breaking apart as a sob escapes, and then I lose it when a glimpse of his smile on our wedding day hits me full force. I cry out loud, screaming as I cradle the photo to my body.

“No, no, no!” My voice is hoarse, and I fear the worst, but I don’t care. I DO NOT CARE.

That rage challenges me again as Perry says something that triggers me.

“Call me Walt.”

My eyes open slowly, and I peer up at him through limited vision. One fucking swollen eye and another that could barely see anymore. Without thinking, I grab the knife and shoot up on my feet. I’m running on pure adrenaline as I strike while screaming at the top of my lungs.

I don’t know what happens as I black out with one thing on my mind. I’d rather live in this world or leave this world knowing that there will only be one Walt.

“Everie! Everie! EVERIE!” I hear someone calling my name and they wrap their arms around me, stopping me from doing what?

I sob harder as someone holds me, but I can’t get out of the moment. The pain of losing Walt is something I can't get over. I can’t.