Page 104 of The Prodigal Twin


“Baby,it’sokay,I’m here. I’m here.” I hear Walt’s voice causing my sobs to quiet as he turns me in his arms, but the second I look into them, I shake my head.

“No,” I croak out. “You’re dead. He killed you.” I say and get out of his arms.

“I’m not dead.” Walt says and looking into his eyes, I can’t see it. I can’t see him.

I’ve lost my mind. “It’s me, Walt.” He says.

“No! Stop it! STOP IT!” I yell out as I try to run away from him but slip in blood. I look on the ground, horrified at the body, and all I can see are the images of Walt, bloodied and gone.

I crawl towards the body, but then stop. None of this is real. I’m dreaming. Walt’s not here. Here’s not in this room, and I’m by myself with Perry. He’s the dead one on the floor. I crawl away to a corner, away from the ghost that’s calling himself Walt. It’s not him.

“Wake up, Everie.” I whisper to myself. “Wake up! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!” I yell, not stopping to hear anything around me, but there’s this electric charge I feel through my fingers. Nothing crazy, just that little spark you feel when you touch someone’s fingers.

“Everie…” I hear him loud and clear. “You are awake.”

My eyes pop open and I stare into blue-green eyes that shine with anger, but I know it’s not towards me. “Ten,” I call out, but my voice. It’s gone. I try to open my mouth but nothing else.

“It’s okay,” he says as he turns his head and catches a shirt. He slowly stands me up and slips it over me.

The shirt smells like my husband and more tears fall down my face. I lean into Tennesse’s arms and cry hard. My sobs sound like a strangled animal right now and if I was in the laughing mood, I would, but I can’t. I really can’t.

Tennesse covers me with his arms and holds me to him as more tears come on command, as if I summoned them.

“Why does she think I’m dead, and why the fuck is this piece of shit dressed like me?” Walt yells out.

I keep my eyes shut, whimpering against Tennesse, and he backs me out of his arms. He tries to snatch the picture that I’ve been holding dear to my chest, but I shake my head.

“Everie, I won’t take it from you. I just want to see what you’re holding. Can I please see it?” Tennesse asks softly.

Because I trust him, I try to uncurl my fingers even though it hurts. Everything hurts. I can barely see, not just because of the swollen eye, but because the contact in my good eye is gone or has lost its importance. With trembling hands and the feel of more tears falling down my face, I hand Tennesse the picture.

Tennesse looks at it. His brows furrow as he looks up at me and then to the side. What is he looking at? Why does he keep looking there? My eyes follow Tennesse as he shows the picture off. I want it back. It’s mine. As if sensing it, Tennesse gives me back the picture.

“She’s in a bad headspace. She thinks you’re dead because of these pictures.” I hear him say, but I can’t do anything else as my fingers curl around the picture again. My arms cross over my chest and the moment my fingers touch the fabric of my husband’s shirt; it feels like someone is ripping me apart again.

My knees grow weak, but Tennesse catches me in time as I try speaking again. Trying to tell him what’s happened. Asking him where Walt’s body is. I need to see it. Somebody find my husband! He’s just been through so much and now; he’s been hurt again… because of me.

“Everie…” I hear my name and this time; I can hear him clearer. Much clearer. I hide in Tennesse’s arms because he says it’s not a dream and I believe it, but what if I’m hallucinating? What if I’m seeing what I want to see or rather hearing it?

My husband said he’d never leave me and now he’s gone. Perry took him from me.

“Everest, listen to me. I know that you have that picture and you’re holding on to it. I know you don’t want to take a step forward to go to the hospital, but we have to. We have to get you checked out. The picture isn’t of Walt. He’s not dead. I know you think he is, but he’s right here. You’re not dreaming, Everest. Trust me, I would never lie to you.” Tennesse says. He drifts to the side, and I see those blue-gray eyes that belong to my husband.

He looks so worried, angry, and there are tears in his eyes as he looks me over. “Everie,” he calls my name out and I want to run to him, but I can’t.

My mind is playing tricks on me. Walt takes a step towards me, and I take a step back. He stops, looking at Tennesse and then me. I’m hurting him, but I’m so grateful. So overjoyed that he’s alive. He’s not dead, so then why is my mind playing tricks on me? Why won’t it let me go to him?

I feel a liquid down my legs and my eyes go to that. The blood sliding down from in between my legs soaking the area around me sets my reality for me.

Suddenly, everything hits me at once. The fear, the cold, the pain, everything and now… I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel.

“Oh my God.” I hear a voice, but I don’t know whose it is.

My mind zeroes in on everything and I’ve lost; I can’t stand to hear the name Walt. Perry ruined it for me. I can’t go to my husband even though I want him to hold me because I can’t do this without him. The last one hurts too much to talk about. I’ve failed. Happy has taken everything from me. He’s won… Again.