Page 105 of The Prodigal Twin


Mybodystillshakes from the shock of finding Everest. That asshole, Perry, didn’t take her out of the building. The sick bastard was holding her hostage in her own theater in a soundproof room that was forgotten about long ago.

Tennesse broke the door, and we rushed in, ready to fight whoever was there. Instead, the dank, cold room was littered with photographs and Everest was continually stabbing an already dead man. The sorrow and rage bounced off her and hit me with each wail. I was so relieved to find her alive, but my heart broke for her. She’d come so far just to be naked and covered in his blood. Everie’s hair was matted, and her body was full of bruises. Her eye was red and irritated while the other was swollen shut. I wanted to kill him, but he was already dead. Even with the devastating sight, I felt proud of her. We got her out of the room, but she saved herself.

I focused all my energy on the only thing I cared about, comforting my wife. I gathered her up, covering her naked body with mine, but after a moment of peace, she freaked out. Only Tennessee could calm her some. Her captor broke her mind, and while I was standing in front of her, she couldn’t see me. Her mind wouldn’t allow her to believe I was there and alive.

The scene was a strange one. Why are people obsessed with me?

The wig he was wearing hung partially off his head, but I could tell it was similar to my hair. His clothing was also close to what I’d wear. I knew he was an actor, but he took it to the extreme.

Tennesse got the picture I hadn’t tried to see away from Everie. He frowned and showed it to me. I tilted my head at the image as that sick feeling returned.

“From your accident.” he mouthed, so she didn’t hear him.

Making myself busy, I pulled off my shirt and gave it to him. Pictures I’d refused to see in the past were glittered around the room, taunting my wife. He made her believe he killed me. Since he was dressed to look like me when she killed him, does that mean she also killed me symbolically?

Whit appeared, and his eyes were filled with relief and sorrow. We were not okay. The longer I stayed, the closer I was to losing it, but I couldn’t, wouldn’t move. My wife needed me even if she thought I was dead. The scene was breaking my heart, but it wasn’t about me.

Her voice, low and scratchy, was almost non-existent. Ten finally calmed her down and her eyes held a sliver of recollection when she looked at me.

“Oh my God,” Whit said with his voice shaking with sorrow.

That moment it all got worse. Not only was she not able to come to me, but we lost a baby we didn’t know we had coming.

Everie’s breakdown shattered me, but Tennesse carried her out. The pain that I was suppressing to have a brave face for my wife overwhelms me. As my sadness and anger took over, I released a pained sob. I yelled to release some of it as I stomped on his head. I knew he couldn’t feel it, but I couldn’t stop. Eventually, Whit pulled me away.

“He’s gone, brother. He’s gone.”

“My wife, Whit,” I cried. “My fucking wife… and child. Imagine.”

“I know,” he said. “That’s why I didn’t stop you immediately.”

“Coffee?” Rowe offers, pulling me out of the horrific loop in my head.

I take it although I doubt, I’ll taste anything. We all wait in the lobby of the private wing of the hospital as they check out Everie. Part of me held on to the hope that the baby was okay, but the majority of me wasn’t surprised when the doctor told me the truth. My hope died horribly Everie has to be alright.

“Thanks,” I tell him with a ghost of a smile.

He looks at me a few times, then at his shoes. I know the reason for his fidgeting, but I’m not going to force anything out of him. Tragedies make us blame ourselves for the craziest things and his guilt is a prime example.

“I…” he starts but takes a deep breath. “I know last week I didn’t take it well.”

I sigh and look at him. “Don’t you dare blame yourself for any of this. We’re not here because of something you put out into the universe.” I look him in the eyes. “You’re within your rights to freak out a little about your family changing. You have been the center of our universe your entire life. We’d never love you any less. Just because you needed to wrap your head around Moonlight being pregnant doesn’t mean you beat my baby out of Everest. The psychotic sonofabitch did.” The unresolved anger I feel towards Perry surges again, along with fresh tears. “Fuck! I’d kill him if I could.”

“I’m sorry, Dad. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

I pull Rowe into a quick hug. “You didn’t. It’s this fucked up situation.” I kiss the top of his head. “I need a moment.”

Heavy footsteps get my attention. I spot Lars power walking towards the private wings, his long legs eat up the hallway but his gaze is fixed on us. He was offline for whatever assignment he was on and judging by the fury in his gaze, he just got my messages.

A security guard steps in front to prevent him from entering. Without breaking his stride, Mayhem covers the guard’s face with his big hand and pushes him out of the way hard. The guard tries to protest again, but the death glare he receives makes him change his mind. Flustered, the guard looks over at me-like he should have in the first place-and I nod to let him know that Mayhem is approved.

I nod my gratitude towards Mayhem but move the opposite way. I don’t want to talk about it. Picking up on my mood, Whit stands and shakes Mayhem’s hand, then gives him the updates.

Tucker told me that Perry, who’s actually Patrick Robert Reynolds, was Happy the Clown’s next victim when Everest escaped. My heart hurts for the child version of him but what he’s done is unforgivable. It looks like Happy was able to spread his poison enough for it to stick even after being arrested.

While he didn’t physically do this, he’s the cause. The cancer has to be cut off at the origin. My internal rant stops when the doctor appears.

“She’s lost her voice. May need vocal therapy, but she’s stable and will be fine. You can go back now.”

I lead the group but fall back when I get to the door to allow Tucker and Ten to go first. If she’s in the same headspace, I will not be the first person she wants to see, sadly.