Page 111 of The Prodigal Twin


“Howishe?”I ask Tucker.

Tucker gives me a smile. “He’s alright. He misses you. It’s difficult to be away from your wife this long.”

“I miss him too.” I admit. “Sometimes, I wake up in the middle of the night and I reach out for him, but I know he’s not there.”

“He wants to be, and I know that this isn’t something that can just be resolved over one day or a week even but to hear you say you reach out for him, it’s you fighting what Perry tried to do to you. The mind games he tried to play.”

“I,” I clear my throat, trying to keep the feelings at bay. I push my glasses back on my face. My eyes have to heal before I can wear contacts. Naturally, it wouldn’t be this long, but my condition isn’t exactly normal. “I know you said I shouldn’t apologize to him for losing what we lost, but I just feel so sorry.”

“Was it your fault, Everie?” Tucker asks. “Was it your fault?” He asks again.

“No,” I answer. “No,” I try again, with much more conviction this time. “It’s not my fault.”

“And you’ve been repeating it every time it comes up, right? Repeating how it’s not your fault, and neither is it Walt’s fault?”

I nod. “I’ve never blamed Walton. I know he didn’t do this to me. I can differentiate between the two in that. When I think of my husband, I don't see Perry. I’ve been doing like you said, replacing the bad with the good.”

“Good. You still can’t call him Walt?”

“No,” I shake my head. “I want to, so badly, but I can’t.”

“That’s alright. Baby steps. Same as I told him.” Tucker says.

“He was here, wasn’t he?”

“Lara is a hopeless romantic, so she thinks she can just set up people’s appointments to be close enough for you two, to meet again like you did the first time. Well, not the first time, but the second time.” Tucker smirks.

Lara, Tennesse and Tucker’s personal assistant, is a sweet soul and I know she only means well, so I smile a bit because I could just see her smile brightening at the mere thought of her setting it up.

“Tell her thank you for trying, even though I’m pretty sure it didn’t happen like she wanted it to.”

“I will,” Tucker smiles. “Now, tell me, how is it being with your brother again?”

As my session ended, I walked out, leaving with a better note. Things feel lighter and I smile, knowing my brother is waiting for me outside. He didn’t want me going anywhere alone and I get it. Even though I wish I had more freedom; I know why he’s acting like this.

After saying my goodbyes to everyone in the home, I walk out. My smile widens as I spot Rowe waiting next to my brother. He has his arms crossed and a scowl on his face while leaning back against his range. When our eyes connect, he smiles.

“I thought you’d never come out.” He says to me.

I don’t think about it as I run over to him and hug him. “Rowe!” Rowe pauses for a moment, but then hugs me back, tightening the hold. “I missed you.”

“Why didn’t you let any of us come see you, then?” He asks once we get out of the embrace.

“I just, I needed to heal. There was just so much wrong in my head, and I couldn’t do it. I’ve stopped in front of the gate of the mansion before, but I couldn’t go in. I just, I’m sorry.”

“I’m sorry too. I’m sorry about everything. You are here and I am so happy for you.” There are unshed tears in his eyes.

“This girl ain’t going anywhere. Everest Milagros Cambridge is here to stay.” I say to him with a smile on my face.

Rowe smirks as a couple of tears escape his eyes and fall down his face. “Look at you, talking like a Cambridge. I love it.”

This pulls a chuckle out of me and I take his hands into mine while I look at him.

“I love you, Rowe. Thank you for accepting me as part of your family. It’s not easy, especially because I understand what it means to have a mother who wasn’t great and while I’ve never had the experience, I hope one day, you’d let me be that for you. Your father is my home and I love him, and I can’t love him without loving you, too. You’re the best thing to ever happen to him.”

“I love you too, Everest. Thank you for loving Zombie dad. You don’t know it, but you’re also the best thing to ever happen to him. I know right now things are hard and different for you two, but he loves you. He’d do anything for you, I know this.” Rowe says to me and in this moment, the way he’s smiling, he doesn’t notice how much he smiles like Walt.