Page 112 of The Prodigal Twin

I let go of his hands and reaches out, wiping his tears. “I don’t know what I did to deserve all this love and this family, but I’m grateful. I really am.”

Rowe reaches out, wiping my tears as well, and pulls me into another hug. “You existed.”

I wrap my arms around his back. “You’re the best 18-year-old son anyone could ever ask for.”

This has Rowe laughing. “Good and you’re the best 28-year-old hot mama anyone could ever ask for.”

We both laugh.

“Now, I came to take you to my favorite spot. I’ll let you borrow it as your favorite until you’re feeling better all around.” Rowe says.

We let go of each other and he opens the passenger door for me. I look for my brother and he’s right there waiting for me.

“Don’t leave.” I say to him.

“I’ll follow.” He says with a smile on his face. “I’m not going anywhere, Sunflower, I promise.”

I nod with a smile on my face and get in Rowe’s car.

I think this is it… this is what I’ve been looking for, for a long time. To be loved and to love all around.