Page 113 of The Prodigal Twin


“Moonlight,you’reagreat woman, but we’re not a match. No. Moonlight, I know I said we’d discuss us but the truth is there is no us…” I shook my head as I paced on the dock. That’s not right. “Moonlight, you’re single and Whit’s kind of single. You two should hang out.”

“That’s terrible, I hope you don’t plan to tell an actual woman that,” I turned to see…a teenager? Her curls were in a low ponytail, and she was wearing a hoodie, ripped jeans, and sneakers.

“Where are your parents?” I paid to be alone and didn’t appreciate some child still hanging around.

She rolled her eyes and folded her arms with a huff, making her full lips poke out more. “Rude, I’m twenty-four.”

I shrugged and turned away from her. I would have entertained her any other time, but I really needed to figure out what I was going to say to Moonlight at dinner. She was such a good woman and deserved all the love in the world, but I was not equipped to give it. I wanted her to have all the happiness she could handle… with my brother.

It wasn’t my goal at first, but they had, as she would say, a vibe that I couldn’t ignore. We were supposed to go to Morocco, but I couldn’t ask her to get with my twin who was still technically married, then expect her to want to hang out. She would have hated me forever. I just needed to get away and think. Whit and I were out of sorts, but we still needed to come clean to Rowe. The situation hurt, but I knew we would present a united front. I couldn’t believe that my nephew was my son; I could lose him forever if I didn’t handle the situation correctly.

My blood boiled as I thought of Anika. I would have choked that psycho bitch if she hadn’t just left the country.

“Just say it from your heart.” The shortstack was still there. I couldn’t believe I’d forgotten that fast. Then again, my life had just imploded, so that could be the reason.

“Why are you here?” My tone was harsher than I intended, but that’s what happens when it feels that the world is crushing you.

She made a face that I hated to admit was adorable, along with her eye roll. “I was supposed to meet my brother, but he texted he couldn’t make it just before I heard your terrible speech. I was hoping to enjoy the solitude, but you’re here.”

I wanted to laugh but keep a straight face because the urge confused me. “I paid to be here. Alone.”

She leaned in a little like she wanted to challenge me. “You’re not the only one who can pay your way into off limits places.” We were caught in a stare down because I refused to look away. Not that I wanted to avert my gaze. There was something interesting about her that held my attention. “You’re cute for an older man. Too bad you’re grumpy. We could have had fun.”

The abrupt change in subject pulled a bit of laughter out of me. “What the hell? First, I’m only thirty-three. Second, you don’t have a clue what’s fun. It’d be my middle name if I had one.”

“Sounds like something an old person would say.”

I knew a challenge when I heard one. I raised an eyebrow as I walked backwards towards my yacht. Turning, I walked up the steps, then turned back to her once I was on the deck.

“You coming, Smurf?”

“Well, actually, or at least in my opinion. Smurf is kind of like ‘dude’ since they only have male Smurfs, and they named the only female Smurfette.” she shakes her head like it’s a travesty. “She’s named after what she is to them. It’s like me being named Female.”

“I don’t give a fuck about any of that,” I told her as she climbed up and found her way back into my space as if she was magnetized. “What’s your name?”


“Like the mountain?”

She shook her head. “No. Like the forest surrounding the mountain. You?”

“Walt.” She scrunched her face

“As in Disney?”

“No.” The wind blew my hair a little, and I watched her watch it like it was its own entity. “As in Walton.” Everest was closer, allowing the wind to tease me with her scent. “You can touch it.”

She didn’t just touch it; she laced her fingers in it, pulling me into a kiss. It evoked something deep within me I didn’t think I had. With a low growl, I pulled her flush against me and took a generous squeeze of her ass.

“I still like Disney,” she informed me when I broke the kiss.

“You can moan whatever you want.” Although I didn’t want to, I released her because I needed a drink.

Half a bottle of my favorite whiskey waited on the table. I lined up two glasses as Everest stared.

“Oh, that bottle is pretty! Very interesting.”