Page 126 of The Prodigal Twin

“Let’s not give him any reason to want to be in a ring with me, showing me why it’s inappropriate to hug his wife, too long.”

I chuckle. “Deal. Would you like to stay out in the open and plant with me then? Tucker says it helps with my patience and being outside.”

“He’s right. I’ve been watching you, Everie. You don’t go past the gate by yourself.”

“I can’t.” I shake my head. “Please, don’t make me.”

“I won’t.” He smiles. “But I will stay and help you do all this shit.”

“Good. Come inside and I’ll grab you some extra gloves and you can meet my brother, too.”

“Alright. I’ve been wanting to meet the infamous Seal.” He says as we walk towards the front entrance. “Walton, huh?” Lars asks with a cocked brow.

I shrug and look away, not able to answer him. I watch as each cemented step lights up from the mini motion detecting lights on the side. I can’t help but smile at the feel of the pebbles in between the cemented steps under the soles of my bare feet. I’m alive. Just like Hunter said.