Page 127 of The Prodigal Twin


WhileI’mhappyto be whole again, I’m also aware that one of the last times we spoke, Whit and I fought. It was bad and the pain I saw while watching my brother’s heartbreak still burns in my chest. I’m not going to waste any time feeling angry towards Anika. Her fate has already been sealed; this is about my brother.

I balance the grocery bags on one arm and leg myself into his house. I know Whit is home but there is no sign if the staff. He’s known to dismiss them often when he wants to be truly alone.

“I’ll put the groceries down, then look for him,” I mumble as I think out loud.

Carefully, I place the bags on the counter and head in the direction of the home gym. A thud has me turning my head to find my brother fucking Moonlight against the wall. She can’t see me from this angle, but my eyes lock with my brother’s surprised ones.

I put my finger over my lips to keep him from killing the moment.

“Continue.” I mouth. “I would.”

Then I walk backwards to show him I have no intention of watching. It’s funny that I’m proud because I couldn’t picture my straight-laced brother being so sexually free. I’m damn happy that he has happiness in his life.

I’m also ecstatic to have my memory and not feel a thing, but pride seeing him fuck Moonlight. This is what I wanted for them. Now, I’m thinking about fucking my wife against the wall. I’d love to take her from behind, but it’s killer on the back because she’s so tiny. I could, however, have something for her to stand on to make up the distance. To kill time, I work out the logistics in my head.

Taking a seat at the island, I pull out my phone to see if I missed anything.

Wife: Hey, are you busy today?

Me: Not for long.

Wife: I have to meet with the director today at the theater. Can you come with me?

Me: You know I will. When?

Wife: Thank you. We can go whenever you’re done. I can meet you there.

Me: Don’t fucking thank me for acting like a husband. I’ll pick you up.

A few minutes go by with no response, but I see she read it.

Me: I know you read my text, woman.

Me: I’ll be there in an hour.

Me: Don’t think I haven’t noticed you calling me Walton.

Wife: I know, I just didn’t know how to reply to it.

Wife: Walton is your name.

Me: Reply like my wife.

Me: You’ve never liked it either.

Wife: Okay.

Wife: What’s your problem, Walton?

Me: Call me Walton again and you’ll see me sooner than you think.

Me: My problem is you’re texting me like I’m a fucking concierge service. Tell me where you want me to be. You can even demand it. I may tell you no, but I’ll respect it.

Wife: You’re being difficult. I didn’t text you like a concierge service. I know you’re my husband.

Wife: I asked just in case you were busy.