Page 140 of The Prodigal Twin


Whileeveryoneiseating at the table, Walt isn’t here. I know he stepped out, but I thought he’d be back by now. I smile with everyone and pretend to not let it affect me, but it’s bothering me.

Rowe chuckling pulls me out of wherever my mind went.

“What’s so funny?” Elora asks.

“Oh, it’s better that I show you what’s going on. My mom’s husband is on tv.” Rowe teases with a smirk on his face.

“What?” We all ask because that is the most confusing answer we’ve gotten from Rowe and that’s saying a lot.

Rowe goes over to grab the remote and turns the flat screen on. He puts on the news channel and my mouth drops open as I see my husband on the news standing in front of a podium, talking.

“He’s got those crazy eyes that he gets when he’s about to say or do something fucking insane.” Whit says as he continues eating his food like his brother isn’t doing something crazy on tv.

And before any of us could ask, Walt continues speaking. My eyes grow big at his statement.

“All of you wanted to know so much about the Cambridge twin, who returned from the dead. Well, here I am. And I’m pissed off. These fabricated stories about me and my family will stop. You’d think having the local newspaper being bought by a teen due to egregious lies would give you all pause. But no. Since I’ve been back, I’ve been a liar who faked my death to avoid scandals. A deep fake. And a double who swooped in to take the real Walton’s place. Just shut the hell up and stay out of mine and my family’s business. Focus on the major things like if one of us has kids, if Rowe graduates from college, you know simple, provable stuff. I’m sick of the lies and I’m sick of the attacks on me and my family. My marriage nor my wife’s disappearance had nothing to do with making the news. We’d prefer if you didn’t worry about what we are doing.

Last month, we were living one of the darkest moments of our lives and what did you do? You made up crap and spread it around. Paint us as evil and then, when we act out, we become the villain. You want to condemn Rowe for knocking out a member of the paparazzi talking about he was doing his job, well, so was Rowe. His job is to protect his girlfriend and his family. That man violated them the moment he got in Sparrow’s face and scared her. He violated my family’s privacy when he snooped in my wife’s medical records, then tried to get confirmation of what he found.

“Do we follow any of you around? Do we post nonsense about you? Do we comment on news posts and say mean things about you.? We don’t because we enjoy telling you to your face. So since you want to be in our business, I’ll be in yours.”

He pointed at the newswoman. “Polly, you covered that we were possibly a cult because Moonlight once opposed Whit and now, she loves him. Well, that’s because he’s a hell of a man, and she figured that out after her rant. Not one person can say we tried to recruit them because we like our circle small, and you’re not allowed.” He leans over and looks at her. “How was rehab? I know everyone thought you took a break because of exhaustion, but Ritalin just couldn’t kick itself, huh?”

She leaves the set, and he looks through his papers. “Johnny, you reported that my marriage was fake. Wrong. She’s the love of my life and I love her more with each breath I take. Looks like the only fake marriage here is yours. Unless your wife likes that, your so-called field assignments are at Suzanne’s house. Aww look, your child with Suzanne is lovely. Congratulations.”

“Leslie… congratulations, your story is the only one correct.”

He looks at the camera. “Look, I get it. You’re used to dealing with Whit and Rowe, but I don’t have the patience to dismantle your life or buy the newspaper. I’ll just warn the masses at the same damn time. Get into my business and I’ll get in yours. I go low every time.”

“What the fuck?” Is the only thing I could say.

“Em baby, you’ve got a foul mouth on you.” Warren teases and I can’t help but chuckle at everything.

“Your son has either lost his mind or made me fall more in love with him because of his entire speech.” I confess.

“He’s only this crazy because he’s your husband. He was mellow as hell when he was just my son.” Warren chuckles when I purse my lips and side eye him because there’s no way.

“I’m pretty sure he takes after you, Warren.” Elora states as she tries not to laugh at the joke.

I join them in the laughter, but at the same time; it makes me want to see him even more. It makes me wonder what could’ve happened that pushed him that far. While I can avoid the paps and the news on my own, I know it’s harder for him since he is the missing twin that came back to life.

So many things have happened, and I have nothing to say but that seeing my husband addressing the media to leave his family alone is what he repeatedly tells me he’ll do all the time; protect.

I waited for Walt to come back even after everyone left, but there was no sign of him coming through the door.

I hear a door opening and I rush off my bed, running toward the ledge. But when I look down at the main floor, it’s Hunter and Lars. “Hunter!” I call out but he can’t hear me.

Releasing a growl, I walk down the stairs, making every sound I could until I reach them.

“What are you wearing?” Hunter asks with a cocked brow.

“Pajamas. Where’s my husband?” I cross my arms over my chest.

“Not with us.” He answers with a shrug.

“Not with you?” I repeat. “What the hell does that mean?”