Page 141 of The Prodigal Twin

Hunter shrugs again and I pull the phone out of my pajama shorts. I know why Hunter asked what I’m wearing because it’s something I planned to make my husband unwrap with his teeth after what he said and acted on tv but clearly, he’s trying to turn me into him. I text him.

Me: where are you? Are you coming soon?

Husband: I need some space to just think, so I’m at a hotel for the night.

I stare at the screen for a minute and place a hand on my hip. Did he just say he needs space? Walton Cambridge wants SPACE.

Me: Space?

Husband: yes, space.

Me: Space for what?

Husband: To think.

Me: about what?

Husband: Baby, I just need space.

Me: SPACE? Space, Walton. I can tell you where you can shove that SPACE.

I type out the last message, but I don’t press send. Walt thinks I make him crazy, but he’s making me act like I did in Greece. Without thinking, I shove at Hunter, pushing him out of my way as I head straight to the door.

“Where are you going? I’ll drive you.” Lars offers.

It makes me pause. I snap my finger, remembering that I can’t really yell and even when I want to nobody hears me.

I open a new message box.

Me: Brian, I know you’re not sleeping. I need you to draw up a contract for me.

I tap my barefoot while I want and as each second passes by. I get even more riled up.

Brian Williams (Glenn Royal Lawyer): Yes, Ms. Bautista, what kind of contract and what are the specifics?

Me: It’s for my husband and here are the specifics. Make sure you put it. it’s drawn up by Everest Milagros Cambridge. His WIFE!

Me: Here are the specifics. I’ll sign when you send them over to me. I need them yesterday. Thank you.



Rules my husband has to live by:

You will sleep nowhere else. You’re only allowed to sleep by me.

If you want space, go to the DAMN BATHROOM, WALT!

You CANNOT give me your cheek to kiss, even if you want to shake me. (You thought I forgot, didn’t you!)

I chose a safe word for you: MOROCCO! (Don’t you dare use it. I’m watching you.)

You’re going to give me a house full of children. I want to fill our house with love.

You’re always going to come home to me.

You’re going to garden barefoot with me.