Page 149 of The Prodigal Twin


Iwhistlearandom tune softly as I walk down the deserted hallway. All the plotting has led me to this moment. Anticipation fills my veins as my security guard boots carry me to the desired cell. According to Hunter’s contact, the security cameras are down for “maintenance.” I collect the things I need along the way. Mayhem hid them in secret places, so I didn’t have to bring anything inside.

Hunter walks along with me to ensure we follow the two officer rule. One of Whit’s “employees” started a fight with Anika, which got her placed in solitary confinement. Good. Less witnesses. I pull the brim of my cap low just in case anyone tries to look at me.

Looking inside the cell, I see Anika curled up on her bed with bruises on her pale skin. I unlock the door and let myself inside, watching her jump up as it closes behind me. Hunter stands in front of the door outside to keep watch.

“Get out of here!” She hisses. “I’m not fucking anymore.”

“Good, I don’t want to fuck.”

She turns to me. Her face is full of the same surprise she had when I walked in for visitations. “Walt, you came for me?”

Her delusions shouldn’t be astounding, but they are. “Not in the way you want.”

Every negative feeling I’ve had towards her makes my jaw tick as I look at her. Over eighteen years, she’s been a leech, sucking the happiness out of our lives. I grab her by the collar and toss her across the room. She crashes into the wall with a yelp.

“Wait, we can work something out. I’ll let you do anything you want,” she offers while trying to lift her t-shirt. “I’m really good at sucking dick. You’ll love it.”

“I’ll tell you what should’ve registered at least twenty years ago. Hell no. Besides, my wife already does an amazing job.” I close my eyes and bite my lip. “Damn, I’m still reliving what she did to me earlier.”

Anika’s jealousy spikes. She lunges towards me, but I move and push her into the door. It clunks from her forehead, colliding with it.

“The last time I saw you, you wanted to fight. Get up. I want you to have the same balls you had when you drugged my wife and me.”

“That dumb bitch wasn’t your wife, then.”

I grab her by her throat. “She’s smarter than you. Everything about your life shows how stupid you are. I already told you. I’m not Whit. He’s satisfied with you getting your ass beat periodically. I know you won’t stop until you’re dead.”

“It was just a phone call, Walt. I just wanted to call.”

“And taunt me while my wife was being held by a man you helped?”

She tries to look surprised, but I see amusement in her eyes. My grip tightens on her throat. Had she not been in jail and I caught her somewhere random, I would have taken my time torturing her, like she tortured us. I don’t have the time for such luxuries.

“Of course, I’ll help anyone wanting to get rid of my competition. I got to the dock in time to see the ambulance. When I got to the hospital, I only wanted to see you. Your beautiful face was damaged and the doctors took pictures. They cleared the room, and I didn’t find you or her after that. I should have gone straight to her. I should have killed her. He should have killed her.”

I want to hit her the way she hit me. I want her to feel the pain I was in, but there will be too many questions. I have to follow the plan and be the ghost Hunter and Lars set up for me to be. Part of me wishes she would have walked free. It would have been much easier to kill her the way I want.

“Well, she’s alive and happy, but I’ll kill you for sure.” Real fear shines in her eyes, but I don’t feel anything. I just want it done. “Let’s get to it, shall we? I promised my wife I’d be home soon.”

She tries to scream, but I shove a cloth in her mouth. I hold her by the neck with one hand as I work to hang the sheet. Anika keeps trying to fight, so I let her go. I’m covered so she can’t scratch me, but I’m not going to take a chance. She pulls out the cloth to scream again. Lars left me a confiscated prison weapon; a padlock in a sock.. I snatch it up and swing hard enough to knock her out.

I shake my head as I work. I knocked her out when I was drugged. Did she really think I wouldn’t do it sober? I have the noose ready and adjusted to look like Anika made it. She awakens as I set her up.

“No, please,” she begs.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you. Moonlight is pregnant with Whit’s child. They’re both very happy.”

I push her and watch as the noose chokes her. The sound of her neck cracking is satisfying as she flails around, trying to save her life.

“You should have left me alone.”

My emotions are high, like I want to cry, but I’m not sad. I feel nothing towards Anika and she’s not the first person I had to kill. While it’s not something I do for the hell of it, I will kill if necessary and sleep like a baby afterward.

The emotions come from the relief of finally ending an era of bad and fucked up things happening to my family because of one person. Well, she’s no longer a person. Hunter and I moved through the shadows to get to where Lars was waiting in the car.

“Better,” he asks when I slide into the seat.