Page 150 of The Prodigal Twin

“Much. Her death eases a lot of my family’s tension. I can’t undo what she’s done, but I can cut out the cancer. Each day she’s alive, there’s part of my son wondering if she will ever care like she’s supposed to now. He doesn’t have to wonder.”

“Yeah, fucked up people, so a number on people with normal emotions, for sure.”

He turns on the music so we can all zone out to wherever we go in our heads. It’s not a secret where we’re at. Rowe may be the only person who doesn’t know, and that was by design. We get back to Whit’s house to find him and my dad pretending to play cards. The ladies are nowhere in sight, which makes sense because it’s late.

They look at me with near identical eyes. “It’s done,” I admit

Whit and my dad nod as they fall into their own reflections. “I want to feel something since she’s Rowe’s mother, but I have nothing.”

“Same,” my dad agrees with Whit.

“Yeah, I’m only focusing on being there for Rowe and whatever he may feel, but I made her a promise when she tried to kill me. I just kept it.”

I’m stripping while I talk to them because it all has to go. Mayhem holds the bag open for me as I put everything inside. I’m in nothing but my underwear when I look around.

“Is he here right now?”

“No. He’ll be back in the morning. Tucker told me that Jones is still safe under his protection. They still search for his brother because he was buried much deeper than Jones. Rowe went to see him before Tucker moves him to a different location tomorrow.”

“Okay, I’ll shower and go to bed. I’ll see you both in the sunlight?”

It’s something we say when it’s already technically morning.

“Yes, Elora and I are staying over.” I nod and head towards the stairs. “Son?” I turn to look at my dad. “I knew how I felt about it in theory, but reality brings a lot of emotions. The main thing I feel right now…” He looks at me with a sad smile. “Thank you.”

“I’ll always do what’s necessary to protect my family,” I smile. “Don’t worry, old man. This isn’t an actual hobby of mine.” I hold up a finger. “But I have one more person to visit.”

“Fuck that clown,” my dad grumbles as he walks away.

I climb the stairs to find Everest sleeping across the bed like she owns it. She threw the biggest fit when I told her she had to go to Whit’s house. With Mayhem, Hunter, and me gone, there was no way in hell I was letting her stay home alone.

Since she’s asleep, I take my time washing away Anika and the jail. Any trace of her washes away with the water.