Page 20 of Her Last Audition

When we’re finished, the guards begin to lead the other girls away. The brunette from beside me catches my eye as she passes, and what I see there scares me more than anything else.

When the guard comes back and nods for me to follow, I am frozen with both fear and familiarity as I am given a small robe and led into a room that cannot be described as anything but a studio.

Clinging to the tiny robe, I look around. I’ve been in rooms like this before.

Lights and equipment are set up around a large poster bed, and a brown-haired man stands behind a camera. It was only months ago I did a shoot for my portfolio and it was a setup much like this. The only difference being choice. And clothing. Nausea turns in my stomach.

The hard grip around my arm leaves no room for argument as I’m tugged forward and thrusted in front of the camera man. I’m surprised to see a kind expression on his face, a soft smile hidden in a neat goatee. He nods to the brute holding me, who steps back until he’s at the edge of the room, before turning his attention back to me.

Moving slowly, he reaches his hand out and takes mine. His hold is firm but not painful, and he gently pets the top of my hand.

“Hello, my dear,” he says. “I am Angelo. I understand my brother, Arturo, could not make it today to do your makeup, but I must say you look just lovely. Now, let’s take a look through some costumes and see what suits us, shall we?”

He gently pulls me toward a rack of lingerie and I feel my body shake.

“I-I was taken,” I tell him in a quiet voice, darting furtive glances to the guard, still on the opposite side of the room. “I-I need help, I—”

“Hush, hush, my dear,” he says, turning back to the rack. “Ahh, this color would look lovely o—”

“Please,” I say, louder this time as I reach out to grip his shirt. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the other man move toward us. “You have to help me, please! I’ve been taken and—”

A grunt from across the room, and Angelo gives me a slightly disappointed look, dropping the fabric and taking my hand once more. I wrench it back.

“Let me out of here!” I shout at him, ignoring how much my body is quivering. My chest heaves and anger like I’ve never experienced courses through my body. A small voice in my head tells me to comply, to survive and listen. A much louder voice takes over.

Angelo raises his eyebrows and gives me an exasperated look before sighing, turning his back as the other man steps forward.

Something akin to a growl grows in my throat as he approaches, the salacious grin on his face only igniting me further rather than scaring me like it should.

“You don’t want to play with me, little girl,” he says in a thick accent, approaching me like one might a rabid animal.

I’ve never been in a fight. Never hurt anyone.

But the moment he reaches for me, I lose it.

With a scream, I tear, claw, spit, and hit. Anything to keep this man's hands from me.

I vaguely register him laughing as his arms wrap around my torso, halting my frantic flailing.

“Let me go!” I shriek, and he only laughs harder. Somewhere, I hear a door close.

“You should have listened, little girl. Now you in real trouble,” he says as he easily drags me across the floor. He lifts me with arms wrapped around mine and my feet meet nothing but air. I let out another frustrated scream.

I hear the door open again and a laugh along with a small clap.

“Ah, there is still some fight in my little silver Vixen! I worried for a second there,” Eli’s voice says from somewhere behind me. The brute holding me turns us around so I’m looking at Eli, who is standing, watching the scene with a look of amusement. I kick in his direction, despite the fact I couldn’t reach him from this far away.

He raises an eyebrow.

“Watch it, Vixen. I like a little fight, but don’t test me.”

“I’m not your fucking vixen!” I scream at him, spitting at him.

The mirth leaves his face immediately. I stop kicking, though my chest still heaves with exertion. Large arms are wrapped around me, but all my attention is on Eli.

“That was very dumb, Vixen,” he says, brushing invisible lint from his shirt. He sidesteps, coming up to my side where I can’t reach him with my feet.

When he’s a foot away, his hand darts out and grabs my face. A small, involuntary cry leaves my lips as he holds my cheeks tight and turns my head to face him.