Page 21 of Her Last Audition

“Very, very dumb.”

* * *

Shamelike I’ve never felt consumes me.

My core clenches in an effort to hide itself, but bound in a spread-eagle position on a bed while naked doesn’t leave much in the way of options. The lights shine down on me and I feel so exposed I could die of embarrassment. A whimper rises in my throat as Eli leans over the bed, a smile on his face as he trails a hand down my cheek. His eyes roam my face, and I do the only thing I can and turn my face. He leans down further until I can feel his breath on my ear.

“You’re lucky the Master insists on auctioning you, my silver Vixen. Or perhaps not. I’ll end up with you either way. Costs me more this way, but somehow the thought of you exposed like this, so uncomfortable and out of your element, is worth it.” He leans forward, planting a kiss next to my mouth.

“I can’t wait to see you on auction; you will despise it and I will revel in your misery.”

My lip tightens and quivers and I feel a tear spring from my eye. A finger reaches out to catch the drop, and I close my eyes as he rubs the saltiness on my lips while chuckling.

“Yes, we’re going to have some fun together very soon,” he says before he stands, snapping his fingers.

“Alright, get the shots and get her back to her room. Don’t give her clothes when you do and take the sheets from her bed,” he says behind me. I hear the low accented voice say something back, but it's Angelo who steps forward.

Though his expression is once again soft, in his eyes, I see no empathy. He won’t help me, and smiling or not, he’s no different than the rest.

“My dear, let’s get this done, shall we?”

I’m led backto my room naked, at least thankful that Eli isn’t there to watch me. The fight has left me, but long handcuffs keep my wrists bound. I keep my face down as we walk, stopping at a command before the door is opened and I’m put back into my room, cell, whatever.

The door shuts behind me, but the tension doesn’t leave my body. I bring my cuffed hands up to try to hug my body to dispel the chill, but the metal is cold against my skin, reminding me of my situation.

How the hell did this happen to me?



Back in Black

I feel lighterin the days following my agreement to join the Iron Elite. The decision made, I know there is no going back, and somehow that’s freeing. That I can help out a friend of Jay’s is a bonus, but there was never anything else I would have been able to do, anyway.

It's the middle of the day and I’m in the warehouse waiting, pacing the long and empty distance of the main room. Depending on the day will dictate the set-up, but a few booths and tables are still spread around one corner and the ring from the fight is still in place. Even days later, the undertone of copper and salt fill my senses and I can almost hear the cheers of the crowds.

The card nights have their own fun. While bets on the fights have a higher margin and payout, it's the more regular poker games ran here that are my real bread and butter. Small cut to the house off every game, a place to do so without the eye of the law on you. Everyone wins.

I wonder about the changes the Iron Elite will want to make.

I looked a bit more into the club of theirs that burned down, Eternity, and from what I’ve been able to find out, there was no gambling done out of there, just a brothel disguised as a strip club. If the idea is they want a replacement facility, I’m not sure what they expect from this place.

I imagine a stripper on a pole in the centre of the big concrete room, and snort to myself. No, they must have something else in mind. Besides, I’m no fucking pimp.

I hear a pound at the door that distracts me from my thoughts. I dart a glance at the time and see they’re early. Checking the pistol at my back, I head to the door.

“Who is it?”

“It’s me,” I hear Killian’s voice through the door and I unlock it. A moment later, he walks in with a stunning brunette behind him. The door closes and he reaches out, gripping my forearm in greeting.

“Atlas,” he says, “I’d like to introduce you to Echo, my fiancé.”

I raise a brow at that; my impression when I helped them before was that they’d only recently met, but fuck, I’m not one to judge.

“Echo,” I nod in greeting. “Come in.”

I lead them through the warehouse and toward the office before taking a pause. Turning, I look into Kill’s face.