Page 22 of Her Last Audition

“Maybe we should get out of here, actually. Catch up over a drink.” I raise an eyebrow at him.

His eyes narrow a moment before I see recognition. He turns to Echo and says something in her ear I can’t hear, but she nods, turning to me.

“I know just the place.”

Within thirty minutes, we’re at a dive bar where I am positive no Iron Elite has ever set foot. The smell of a pulp mine down the road seems to permeate the place, and the scent of rotten eggs is almost enough to make me not want to drink. As soon as we enter, Echo heads over to the bar while Kill and I find a spot in the corner. Within minutes, she’s back with a tray of drinks in her hands. She puts down six shots and two pitchers before sliding in beside Kill.

I don’t delay in grabbing a shot, grimacing when it tastes vaguely like sulfur. Slamming the shot glass down, I look at Kill.

“You’ve got some explaining to do.”

He meets my gaze and I notice for the first time that there’s something different about him. He was never a timid fucker, but something harder has grown in his eyes. Killian’s seen some shit since we saw each other last. I dart a glance at the woman at his side.

“You never wanted details before,” Kill points out and I narrow my own gaze at him.

“Before the shit I helped you with, didn’t result in snakes at my fucking door,” I tell him, my voice low. A look passes between them before Echo turns to me.

“Kill trusts you, so I will too. You need to know who I am.”

We meet each other's gaze, and I nod shortly, sitting back in my seat.

“You know who Neil Ortiz was?” she asks, her bright eyes burning into mine questioningly. I nod again and keep my face impassive. I note how she clenches her jaw, the set of her shoulders as she continues.

“It was over ten years ago that I met Neil and his friends in Spain. Long story short, they gang-raped me and left me for dead. I obviously survived, and it wasn’t until years later I found out that they were part of an organization called the Iron Elite, and also that I was a part of their initiation.”

Fire burns in her eyes as she continues, and I try not to react to the mention of an initiation.

“I found out they owned Eternity Night Club and, well, let's say I’m a vengeful bitch.”

“You know what happened to Katrina,” Killian picks up the story, and again, I nod. I remember when his sister was found dead. The Iron Elite were assumed to have done it, but, of course, nothing was ever proven. “I found out about Echo and, well…”

My teeth grind together as I finally realize what the fucker did. I look at Echo, who is watching me back with a “dare you to fuck with me” expression that I’m tempted to smack off her face. Kill has the smarts to at least look fucking sorry, but then again, he has some idea what he brought to my door. I never asked, but he should have fucking told me what they were planning. Fucking pussy-whipped idiot.

“So, you what? Burned the place down, fled the country, and left them to find me instead?” I ask, my voice low and even. Before Kill can respond, Echo reaches out a hand to touch my arm. I pull it back and glower at her.

“Don’t touch me, bitch,” I all but growl at her. Kill stands in warning, but the twisted bitch just curls up the corner of her mouth.

“Watch it, Atlas,” Kill warns, and I dart a quick glance at him, but my attention is really focused on the woman in front of me.

“What the fuck happened?”

“Why did they call you? Did they ask you anything?” she asks, the humor gone from her face. My lips stay closed and hers tighten, but it's Killian who answers my question.

“Yes,” Killian says. “You have the drift of it. And if they’re calling you, we obviously fucked up somehow. So, how about enough of the shit? Both of you.” He points a look at Echo who raises her eyebrows as if to say ‘who me’. Turning back to me, he leans in, keeping his voice low.

“I was careful,” Kill tells me, “but you need to tell us what you know so we can figure out where and how we fucked up. I never wanted to bring you into this, thought the help you gave us would go unnoticed. If it didn’t, I’m sorry, but there’s shit all I can do about that now.”

I exhale through my nose.

I’ve known Kill for years to be a good guy. I’m not sold on his new bitch, but she’s at least straightforward, which I can appreciate. Few people in this life say it like it is.

I consider her story and my gut tightens as I let it run through my mind.

“You mentioned something about an initiation,” I finally say to Echo and her eyes widen a touch. She looks to Kill and then back to me before nodding shortly.

“Something about the—” Her voice cracks, but I get the feeling it's with anger rather than sadness. I watch as she composes herself and continues, “About the blood of a whore.”

Silver hair and eyes flash through my mind.