Page 29 of Her Last Audition

My body feels disconnectedas Ivor leads us toward the auction, chattering along the way. I don’t hear a word of it, don’t understand how twisted a fuck has to be to talk causally about gambling a moment after talking about raping a whore until they bleed.

What the fuck have I gotten myself into?

For a brief moment, I curse Jason, and Killian, and everyone who got me into this fucking mess, but the thought passes quickly. It isn’t their fault.

A man like me can’t toe the line forever. There comes a time where a choice has to be made, for better or for worse. And unfortunately for this girl, this Kinsey, her honour will be the price of her own salvation, and mine.

We step into a room that reminds me of a strip club. The lights in the crowd are dim, but I can see dozens of tables of well-dressed men of varying ages sipping on drinks and smoking. I don’t see any women among the crowd, only men. There are a few things I notice immediately after this.

The bars around the runway are the first. The chained, practically nude woman inside them is the second. The silver hair is unmistakable and under the bright stage lights, it seems to shimmer as it moves. Her face is downcast as though trying to hide, but that’s impossible while chained to a stage.

Despite the fucked-up situation, I can’t help but notice how fucking stunning she looks. Even the makeup running down her cheeks only serves to make my dick hard, and I clench my teeth at how messed up that is.

All of this processes in a matter of seconds and I’m half a second away from killing everyone in this place and taking her out of here when Ivor speaks over the crowd.

“Gentlemen, stop the auction!”

* * *

I waitfor the announcer to finish, not listening to the words as I wait for my own part.

That fucker, Eli, made himself known quickly, and again, I ignore the words, letting my mind run over what I’m about to do.

I don’t move, not sure I can speak or do anything without raging as I listen to Eli bitch to Ivor about the girl. Kinsey.

“The Silver Vixen was to be mine,” he hisses, and Ivor’s eyes narrow.

“Are you questioning me?”

I watch Eli’s teeth gnash, his nostrils flare, before he turns away. His eyes catch mine as he leaves and hate emanates from them. I narrow my own eyes and raise my chin. He has a fucking problem, he can bring it to me.

I’m not paying attention, though I probably should be, while Ivor mutters something to a few men. He turns to me and his sinister smile is shuddering enough, a chill passes through me.

“Are you ready?” he asks, and with a clenched jaw, I nod.




I Won’t Back Down

It feelslike forever I’m standing there, the cold steel biting into my wrists with the watchful eyes on me. My legs twist together to keep myself hidden through the see-through outfit, but I’m sure it's useless. My body shakes lightly and though a few tears still fall from my eyes, I feel more numb than anything.

Did Eli stop the auction?

I don’t know what would be worse, leaving this place with him or with someone else.

People don’t get sold!

That voice tries to scream at me, but another in my mind laughs as I take in the chains and iron bars around me. I can’t see the figures in the crowd, but imagine a casualness about them. A normality.

This is probably just another day for them. Another ruined woman, shamed and put on display andsold. I abstractly hear a voice calling out to the crowds once more, and even though I know I should be paying full attention, I find myself only catching the end.

“....going to have a show!”

Standing there on display, on stage for all to see, I realize what the show is. Or rather, who it will feature. I spent years dreaming of being on stage, but not like this. For the first time since my capture, something else begins to fill me. Anger. Fury. Rage.