Page 30 of Her Last Audition

My chest continues to heave, as much from that as from fear. While icy fear runs one way through my veins, fiery rage seems to run through the other. My fists clench and my teeth grind while I wait.

Time ticks gradually until I hear the sound of the double doors behind the stage opening and my fists only clench tighter. Even though I know I can do nothing, my body can’t help but prime itself for a fight.

Screw them and their show.

A polite round of applause surrounds me and I hear heavy footsteps behind me. It takes a will of effort to not turn my head to see who it is, to confirm that Eli is here to make good on his threats. Exhaling deeply through my nose, I wait as the steps come around in front of me.

A frown crosses my brow as a large and callused hand touches my chin, not the smooth manicured hand I’ve come more used to. I look up into a familiar yet terrifying face.

The man from the warehouse.

Now in a suit, he looks even more out of place than before. Dark blond hair is pulled back, showing the large burned portion of skin, covering the side of his head and face. His mouth and lips are full, and despite the fact he’s probably the largest man I’ve ever stood beside, there’s something in his expression that doesn’t arouse fear in me.

It takes me a second to realize I’m staring, open mouthed, and I drop my eyes as my cheeks heat up and I remember where we are. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the corner of his mouth turn up. He looks up to the crowd.

“I am Atlas, and this is my initiation.”

I feel myself pale and the crowd roars around us.

His face lowers,his beard tickling the skin of my cheek.

“You have to play along,” he says in a voice so quiet I almost don’t hear him. A large hand comes up, trailing down the other side of my face and down my body.

Despite my sincerest urges only moments ago to fight back, I find myself frozen as he maps the side of my body and whispers in my ear.

“I’m Atlas, and I know Jay. This is the only way. Just… I’m sorry for this,” he says, pulling his head back from mine. His other hand trails up again and I gasp when he squeezes my breast and a round of laughs roar around us, bringing me back to where we are.

But… did he say Jay?

I shake my head.

“So, you want a show?” the dangerous man says loudly and the cheers rise. I hear the door open again and something rolling behind me. I twist to try to see, but the chains are too well placed. I swallow deeply and look through the bars and into the audience I can’t see. Is Eli out there watching me too? Reveling in my misery as he promised?

Atlas said he knew Jay.

I manage to look over toward Atlas once more and he gives me the smallest of nods before stepping out of my vision once more. I swallow deeply as I hear the rustling of movement behind me and wonder what’s going to happen next.

When he steps in front of me once more, his shirt is loosened at the top to reveal a broad, tattooed chest underneath. It isn’t that which grabs my attention though. It's the ten-inch blade in his hand. My eyes widen and I struggle against my chains as a fresh wave of tears hit my eyes.

His free hand darts out to grip my jaw and the look on his face is severe. I barely hear the words from his lips.

“Trust me.”

Closing my eyes, I inhale deeply before opening them on the exhale. My eyes meet his and I search for some kind of truth there. I know that I can be naive, but I hope that I am not making a mistake in trusting him. Not like I have a choice. Despite the fear coursing through me, I give the slightest nod back, and am rewarded with the corner of his lip turning up, this time I’m sure.

“Good girl,” he says, a bit louder this time, before bringing the knife up to the neckline of the dress and tugging it down. The flimsy fabric rips easily and I gasp as my breasts pop out. My hand shakes against the chains once more as I try to cover myself but the lack of slack makes it impossible. When the blade comes back up to my chest, trailing the skin delicately, I stop moving with a whimper. Fear comes first, but is quickly followed by something new. Different.

For a moment, I forget about the many eyes on me and am taken away by the sensation of the cool edge touching my skin. There’s an edge of fear and adrenaline, but the reverence in the touch, the gentleness…I forget to breathe and when I do, it comes out ragged and hitched.

He steps in front of me and I look up to meet his eyes. I see hunger and lust there, but also, apology. His face is so expressive and even though it's messed up, at that moment, I believe this is the only way, and that he is here to help. Swallowing deeply, I give him the smallest nod back.

I’ll play along.

His face lights up, before he puts on the mask and turns back to the hidden crowd.

“What shall we do?” he asks them and immediately shouts rain down on us. I blanch as I hear some of the offerings from the crowd such as “slice her tits off” and a small whimper leaves me. Fortunately, the overwhelming majority seem to have one thing in mind they want to see.

Turning back to me, Atlas grabs the length of the chain. He pulls it down tight, inch by inch. I hold my breath as the action forces me toward the ground. One notch at a time, and I’m brought to my knees, my eyes on his the entire time.