Page 13 of Rope and Ride

Ican’t stop looking over at her cabin. A strange unease has been riding me all day. Like an itch I can’t scratch.

But I keep working, keeping a weather eye on that cabin, not sure why.

Halfway through the day I give in and call her phone. There’s no answer. After just two rings it goes to voicemail.

“That’s weird.” I put my phone back in my pocket and go back to taking care of my animals. The chickens are rooting around in the yard and scratching at everything they can find.

I’ve already let the horse and goats out in the pen. I’ve even milked both goats, setting it aside in the fridge until I get to it.

My eyes drift back to that house. I wish I could burn the trees that are standing between us. I need to see her.

I try her phone again and this time it doesn’t even ring. Goes straight to voicemail.

“Fuck this,” I growl and stalk out of the yard, heading for the path to her cabin. I whistle and clomp through the brush, digging my boots in and enjoying the beautiful day. Beautiful because I’ve got a woman that makes me happy. I’ve got my friend back and we both have the same needs. The same wants. And we’re willing to share them with the woman we both love.

As I get closer to her cabin, I see a dark SUV hidden in the woods close by. The tags are covered with mud and there’s nothing distinguishing about it. Yet, I feel a creeping fear crawling up my spine. I lean down and look at the plate, scraping at the mud until it shows the same city as Angel came from.

“Shit!”I groan and then charge forward, trying to find a window to look into before I charge in and get both of us hurt.

When I find a window, I can see a big man inside and he’s stalking around the table, his hard gaze fixed on Angel. She’s got a knife in her hand and she’s waving it at him.

My heart dies and then beats out of control. I slip around to the backside of the cabin. There’s a small utility room to the outside. The door opens easily and I slip inside quietly, hearing Angel’s voice, high and tight with fear. Rage coils inside me. Boiling fury that this man thinks he can take what’s mine….ours.

I drift inside the house and wait for the right moment to strike. That moment comes when Angel slashes at him with the knife and catches his hand.

“Shit! You bitch!” he screams. And I use the cover of his own screams to run at him, tackle him to the ground and then pound him into hamburger. Over and over, I slam my fist into his face, hearing the bones crack.

“Stop! Stop, Sully! don’t kill him!” Her hands yank at me, slapping me until I finally shake my head and lift it to hers. Tears drip down her cheeks, welling in her dark eyes.

She leans over and smiles. “I love you. He’s not worth going to jail for.” She kisses me softly and her gentle hands pet my cheeks lightly until I finally calm enough to stand and pick up my phone.

“Hey, Curt. Can you come out here to old Ryder’s place? His granddaughter is here and she’s got an intruder.”

“Sure. I’m not going anywhere.” I hang up and flop down on the couch. I wave a hand at Angel and she comes to me. I lift her and settle her on my lap and she sighs, leaning into me lightly.

“I knew you needed me, baby.”

The door flies open and Clay charges in, a shotgun aimed at everything at the same time.

“Jesus!” I holler and whip around so my body is shielding Angel. “Have you lost your mind? What the hell, man!”

He drops the gun and stares at the pile of passed-out criminal lying on the floor. “What happened to him?” he asks.

Angel peers around my shoulder. “Sully did. He got him away from me. And then I kinda had to get him away from him.”

Clay snorts. “You didn’t even leave a little bit for me, did you?”

“Nope. And I’m not that upset about it either.”

“Of course you’re not,” he grumbles. “You’re the big hero of the hour. I’m just the dumbass that almost shot his girlfriend.”

“Saving me, though.”

“Uh-huh. I’m not sure that distinction holds water here.”

Angel smiles at both of us and I feel my heart kick up a notch. Every smile, every laugh, every tear has the power to rip me to shreds or make me so damn happy it’s not funny.

I hold her closer and she waves at Clay. He sits on the other side of me on the couch. She leans over until she’s sprawled across both of us.