Page 14 of Rope and Ride

“I love you both. Equally. No matter who saves me. Who fucks me. Who brings me flowers. There’s no score card here. Just love.”

Clay nods and then his dark eyes close. “I just hate the idea that you needed me and I wasn’t here.”

“One of you was. I’ve never felt safer in my life than I do with the two of you.”

“One of us should be with you at all times,” Clay growls.

“That is not necessary and you’ll drive me nuts. I do need some privacy sometimes.”

“Why?” I ask, curious.

Her brown eyes turn my way and she huffs out a sharp breath. “You sure as hell are nosy. I just need some time to myself. I like to think and plan. Maybe write. Work. You know. That kind of stuff.”

“Oh. Got it. Girl stuff.” Angel swats my shoulder and then giggles.

“You are incorrigible.” Then she kisses me, her lips warm on mine, melting and soft. “Don’t ever change.”

“I don’t think I can,” I laugh.

The door bangs open and for the second time today, Angel and I have our hands in the air.

“Seriously, Curt! I think I said we had it under control. Kicking in the door wasn’t necessary!”

He holsters his gun when he sees the man lying in a pool of blood, unconscious, on the ground.

“What the hell happened to him?”

“Sully happened,” Angel says, shooting me a glare.

“Why’d you do that?” Curt bends over the man and sucks in a breath. “Wow! He’s in bad shape.” His hard blue eyes hold mine. “Seriously, why did you do this?”

“He broke in here and tried to hurt Angel. It’s my right as her partner to defend her. I just defended her really well.”

“Uh-huh. Well, we’ll get him to the hospital. I’d wait for an ambulance but considering the trek up the mountain, it would actually be faster if I take him.”

“I could take him,” Clay says, his dark eyes blazing.

Curt groans. “So you can get a shot at him? I don’t think so, buddy. You guys just look after your neighbor. I’ll take care of the rest.”

Clay glares at him and I smirk. “She’s more than just our neighbor. She’s ours.”

Curt’s brows rise but he just nods. I don’t think anything surprises him anymore.

“That’s great! Did you two finally patch things up?”

We both nod. “Angel is just what we needed to realize what’s important and it’s not old jealousies and hurts.”

He nods. “That’s the truth. Can you guys help me get this guy out to my car?”

Clay nods but he holds up a hand when I go to stand. “You stay with Angel. I’ll take care of this.”

I nod solemnly. I know what he’s asking. He feels like I do. Right now, I can’t bear for her to be alone. What if she gets scared? Hurt?

I know I’m being ridiculous but after watching a guy stalking her in her own home, I’m not going to be able to get rid of those fears anytime soon.

When Clay returns, he stomps off to the bathroom and I hear the water running. Angel’s eyes are closed and she’s breathing so quietly that I think she’s asleep.

But she opens her eyes when Clay stops in front of us. “You need to wash up, baby. Get the stench of that asshole and what he tried off of you. Relax. Let us take care of you.”