Page 3 of Rope and Ride

“Keep your damn hands off of me!”

“You can’t just go stomping off into the woods with no supplies.”

“Why the hell would I need supplies. I’m just looking for my cat.”

“In the woods when it should be dark in half an hour. Not too smart if you ask me.”

“I didn’t ask you. You stay here if you want. I’m going to find my cat.”

“I’ll help you. But at least grab a pack with some food and water. Maybe a lighter in case you get stuck in the woods or lost. You’ll hopefully have everything you need if we get lost.”

I nod at him, mollified. That actually makes sense.

I grab my pack and toss a few bottled waters and some granola bars into it. Then I throw it over my shoulders and step back outside. I stop when I hit the edge of the woods by my house and suck in a deep breath.

I can do this. I think. Maybe

Yeah, I can. I hope.

Just as we’re fixing to leave, another beat-up old truck shows up and the lanky man beside me stiffens when he sees the dark shadow in the vehicle. “Umm. Let’s hurry up!” He touches my back, trying to hustle me faster. But I plant my feet when a giant steps out of the truck with a large, dark gray feline.

“Oh, Marcus. You bad, bad boy,” I scold and immediately hear a groan from the other man standing beside me.

Running up, I grin and give the quiet giant a huge hug with one arm because of the damn cat. “Thank you, thank you! Where did you find him?”

He opens his mouth to answer but I shake my head. “Never mind, it doesn’t matter. He’s back now and safe.”

I dance back to the doorway, peeking inside. “It looks like the smoke has cleared out a bit. Time to get back to work,” I singsong under my breath.

I run back to the cabin, shutting everything up so my grumpy kitty can’t get out again.

I shoot both men a smirk and walk into the cabin. “Well, thanks for saying hello but I really need to get back to work.”

Two pairs of eyes lock on my body and I can feel heat from their stares. I’ve never been turned on so much by something so stupid. But I can’t help myself. Both of these men are hot as hell and I’m starting to wonder if my grandpa had another idea when he insisted I stay here a year.

I’m not sure which one gets me hotter. But I know I like it. A fucking lot.

But until I tell them the truth and make sure they know that I’m not going anywhere, I need to keep myself to myself.

Even though I really want to touch both of them.

The new guy is dark and has deep ebony eyes that are hard and controlled. I want to know what makes him tick. Why he looks so angry, especially when I hugged him. His tall, lean body was rigid in my arms and he refused to hug me at all.

As opposed to his friend over there who is very handsy.

I don’t even know their names but this moment feels momentous somehow. Like this is the start of something bigger than all of us.



She’s a pint-size goddess but I’m not interested no matter what my body thinks. I don’t need another woman. My wife freaking cured me of ever wanting to give any woman the opportunity to shred my heart like she did.

I can feel the competitive need kicking in though. Nothing gets my heart racing more than beating Sully. I feel the need to grind him into the dirt. Mainly for being right.

He tried to tell me that Veronica, Ronnie, was trouble. That she was screwing around with half the damn senior class. But I just got pissed and that was the end of it. Our friendship was done for.

Playing together as children, growing up practically next door on the mountain, none of it ended up meaning a damn thing when I fell in love with my wife.