Page 4 of Rope and Ride

She was a siren and she got what she wanted. Me. She told me she was pregnant and I married her right quick. My heart overflowing with innocent love for the raven-haired beauty, I overlooked all the warning signs.

The nights she was too busy to see me. The fact that she was six months along when we got married and yet her figure was still perfect. Not even a bump. She said all the women in her family were like that.

I was an absolute idiot. Obviously, she wasn’t pregnant at all. She was just looking for a way out of her horrible family life and I was the biggest sucker she was messing around with.

I’ll never forgive her for running away with another man and taking all of my money that she could get her red-tipped claws on.

Luckily, I made sure that she only had access to a small amount of money or the damn woman would have cleaned me out to go play house with another man.

As soon as I found her, I served her with divorce papers. She cried, her blue eyes welling up with ready tears. The other man had already left as soon as the money ran out. But I knew what she was by that point and there was no way in hell I was going to let her take more from me than she already did.

And I haven’t even looked at another woman since then. Not even tempted until right this minute.

Cinnamon-brown eyes topped with a mop of golden-brown hair that’s a wild halo around a perfect face with full lips and glowing tan skin are definitely tempting.

Not to mention the lush curves that beg for my touch.

“Thank you so much for finding my little pussy.” She grins and by the wicked light in her dancing eyes, I know she said it that way on purpose. So now I can’t stop thinking about her other pussy and what it would feel like.

I shake myself and step back. “Umm. Yeah. I’m sorry. I didn’t introduce myself. I’m Clay. Clay Marshall.”

Sully jumps in between us before I can take her hand and he grabs hold, shaking it roughly. She pulls back and her brown eyes glare at him, making me chuckle.

“I’m Sully. I’m sorry, I didn’t mention it earlier since I was so busy saving you from the fire. Sully Reynolds.”

“You had a fire?” I ask, studying the cabin, looking for a fire. Neither of them appears to be that upset so I don’t know if it’s already out or not.

She snorts. “No. It was just a stupid mistake. The flue was shut and I couldn’t get it open. I started the fire anyway. I was cold.”

I nod my head. “You should never start a fire in a fireplace without the flue open. That’s rule number one with a fireplace.”

Sully rolls his eyes. “Whoa. Way to be a dick, Clay.”

I turn and find her glaring at me now. “Dammit, I didn’t mean anything by it. Just thought everybody knew that.”

“Uh-huh. Well, thanks for stopping by, guys but I’m really tired. I need to finish hauling my stuff in and then do a little cleaning before I hit the hay tonight.”

Both of us eye the luggage and stuff in the little trailer behind the beater truck. “That’s a lot of stuff for doing a little cleaning and then putting it on the market.”

She sighs and crosses her arms. “I’m guessing no one told y’all that I can’t sell it. Not for a year. And during that year I have to live here. So neither of you are going to be able to buy it from me. At least for awhile. Sorry to have to break the bad news to you like this. But it’s better that you find out sooner rather than later. Right?”

Then, like she didn’t just drop a bombshell on both of us, she stalks off and takes a pet carrier inside and then comes back out, hauling her next load of supplies in. I assume after locking up her pussy.

I finally find my voice and head her off. “Wait! Are you telling me you won’t sell the place?”

She smirks. “You’re finally catching on.” Her head looks over mine and she groans. “I need to get this stuff in before it’s pitch dark so if y’all don’t mind….” She waves us both off and then picks up a desk chair and a lamp in the other hand.

“Nice to meet y’all!” she calls through gritted teeth, slamming the door behind her.

Both Sully and I stare at the door and then each other. And then we each grab the end of a long wooden table and pick it up, carrying it to the door. Muscling it like a wild animal, we grunt and strain and then the door opens and she stands there again, her pretty mouth hanging open and her soft eyes wide.

“I can get that, you know,” she growls.

“Just move,” I mutter under my breath and she steps aside, letting us in the door and following us when we put it in the corner where she seems to be piling stuff up.

“Do you think you could put that over by the window?” she smiles, waving to the huge window that looks out on the mountains and trees. “I think I’d like to have breakfast looking out at that beautiful view.”

Muttering curses under my breath, we muscle it over onto the other side of the room.