Page 6 of Rope and Ride

I’ve always been a loyal girl. That means one guy at a time. But these two have me confused. One minute I want one and the next I want the other.

I slide my long t-shirt that I always wear to bed on and pad out to the open air space, my eyes caught by the darkness beyond the window.

I’m used to seeing the lights of the city even after dark, especially after dark. Out here, the night is all-encompassing. Anything that’s out there, I’d never see until it was too late.

I shiver and hug my arms around my body, the first misgivings that I might have made a mistake creeping into my head.

It’s just new, I tell myself. I’ll get used to it. And I’ll grow to love it. Or I’ll stick it out and leave in a year.

Either way, this is now my life and I’ll do whatever needs done to fit in and make it successful.

Marcus slinks past me, glaring and taking a quick swipe at my toes. We’ve played this game one too many times and I jerk my foot back before he can get a claw in.

Hissing, he stalks off, his tail high in the air, his pudgy little butt swinging carelessly.

He jumps lightly onto the couch and I sigh. It’s an adjustment for everyone. I can’t really blame my city cat for being a little pissy too. After all, he’s a city kitty. I found him digging through garbage when he was barely big enough to be on his own. Flea-ridden and skinny, he clung to me when I took him home, giving him some milk and chicken that I was eating for dinner.

I know now that I shouldn’t have given him milk but he sure lapped it up then.

I sit lightly beside Marcus and smile when he climbs onto my lap and kneads my legs until he’s got everything exactly the way he wants it. Then he mewls softly and his chin drops to my lap before he falls asleep purring.

I stare out the black window, wondering if I can get a curtain or something to cover the large window. All that darkness feels eerie to me. Like I’m holding my breath for something to slam into the window and crash through it.

I lean my head back onto the couch and close my eyes. Just for a second. I’m so damn tired.



Iwake bright and early, tumbling out of bed with a smile on my face. I should be pissed as hell since I won’t be able to buy that land.

But I’m not. Because right next door is the angel I’ve been waiting years for. The angel that’s stolen my heart just from one laugh, one smile. One little giggle and I’m an idiot.

I dress quickly and don’t even bother with breakfast. I jog down to the barn and whip the door open. My horse and the goats all stare at me like I’ve lost my mind.

Jester snorts when I start singing. He shakes his head, his blond mane whipping around his noble head.

“Everybody’s a critic,” I mutter, ignoring him to keep singing. Both of my goats stamp their little hooves and flick their short tails, grunting in annoyance when I keep singing.

“You guys need to get a life. I’m not that bad.”

“I beg to differ.”

Turning quickly, my heart jumps into my throat when I see Angelica behind me. She’s leaning on the open barn door, her hip cocked out and a sly smile on her soft pink lips. My eyes drift down her long, muscular legs and back up to the full breasts that I couldn’t stop thinking about all night. My dick jumps up and starts knocking at my zipper.

“I’m not that bad,” I grunt, stalking closer to her, watching how her brown eyes stay locked on mine. There’s no fear. Instead, I see interest. Excitement even.

She wants me to touch her. And I’ll be damned if I don’t give her exactly what she wants.

I pace up to her, reaching up until my arms are bracketing her on the door. My hips barely caressing her womanly curves. My chest inches from her breasts.

My eyes slide down and I’m entranced by the hunger in her brown eyes. Gold glints in their dark depths and I can’t stop staring at her. My hand curves around her hip and I tug her soft body closer. She bends to my will easily and I feel a rush of desire and lust overwhelm my good sense.

My lips slam down on hers, my tongue pushing inside her open mouth, catching the gasp of air when she staggers into me, her hands curling into my plaid shirt, fisting the fabric into knots.

My head swims when she meets me thrust for thrust. Her tongue dancing with mine, the erotic duel fueling my raging hunger until I pick her up and carry her over to push her into the barn wall. My body presses into hers and I grind hard into her, feeling her little claws sink into my shoulders like a kitten.

She breaks free and throws her head back into the wall. My lips glide down her sensitive throat until I find that tiny spot behind her ear. Lapping and nipping, I growl when she mewls in my ear.