Page 7 of Rope and Ride

“You are so fucking beautiful, Angel. But never more so than right this second. Your eyes are like dark chocolate lit with flecks of gold and your hair is like caramel. I want to see it spread out across my bed like a river of silk.” I pant and suck and nip, dipping my tongue into the deep v of her shirt, mounding up her generous bosom until I can slip my tongue underneath the top of her bra and lap at her nipple. Biting, suckling and grinding into her. My cock is so hard I can’t even breathe.

All I can do is feel. Her smooth, soft curves. Her breathless pants and moans wafting across my skin, lighting up my body like a fourth of july fireworks display.

“Baby, please make me stop. I can’t take you in a barn.”

“Exactly what I was thinking, Sully.”

Both of us turn to the open doorway and I drop her lightly to her feet when I see Clay standing there.

“What are you doing here?” I growl, moving to stand in front of Angel. She’s a wet dream with her curls tousled around her head, her mouth bruised from my kisses. Her eyes sparkling with fire and lust.

“I saw Angelica walk over here and decided to check and see if she needed anything.”

“If she does, I’m fully capable of giving it to her.”

“So you say,” he snorts. “She doesn’t look that satisfied to me.”

My fists clench and my jaw tightens until I feel my teeth grinding. “I’m not going to fuck a girl in the damn barn.”

“Maybe she’d like that. What do you say, Angel? Would you like to get fucked in a barn?”

Angel growls behind me and I can feel the anger rolling off of her. “I don’t know exactly what you think of me, Clay. I’m not even sure I care. But I am not a tease, nor am I a slut. It was just a damn kiss.”

She stomps around me and stalks out the door, her back rigid.

Clay grins and crosses his arms, his dark eyes lit with satisfaction.

“I’m gonna assume you hightailed your ass over here to make sure I didn’t get any further than that fucking kiss, asshole,” I grumble, shoving him out of the door.

His lip quirks and anger rises in me. My fists itch to slam him upside the fucking head.

“You and your smarmy charm don’t have a prayer with a woman like that.”

“I suppose you think you do,” I scoff, turning on my heel and stalking back to Jester’s stall to finish it up.

“I at least know what the hell to do with a woman. As far as I know you’ve never managed to get further than hand-holding in high school. Not for lack of trying.”

“At least my wife didn’t sleep with half the men in town before and after her marriage until she stole your money and ran off with another man.”

He stiffens and I can see that that was a direct hit. For just a second, I almost feel sorry for the bastard.

“At least I had a woman. You’ve just had your fist for the last fifteen years. I’m surprised you haven’t sprained your wrist with all that jerking off.”

Whipping around, I slam into him and knock him to the ground, rolling around in the dirt. My fist connects with his jaw and pain erupts up my arm.

Damn, he’s got a hard jaw!

Grunting and growling, I punch him again and again. His stomach his head, his back. If I can reach it, I hit it.

“What the hell are you two doing?”

My friend, Curt , jumps out of his truck and grabs hold of my shirt and Clay’s neck.

He shakes the two of us until we stop growling. “Have you lost your mind? You guys used to be friends. Why are you rolling around in the dirt?”

“None of your damn business, Curt.”

“It absolutely is. I come over and find the two of you rolling around like little kids in the dirt? What’s going on?”