Page 8 of Rope and Ride

“We haven’t been friends for a long time, Curt,” Clay grunts, pulling at his shirt.

Curt refuses to let go. “I’m aware there’s been bad blood with you two for awhile. Something to do with Ronnie, I bet.”

“Yeah,” I mutter. “Now he thinks he can keep me away from the one woman I’ve been interested in for a long time.”

“Is that true?”

Curt grins. “You like someone? Who is she? Do I know her?”

“She’s Ryder’s heir. She got here yesterday.”

“And this dickhead wasted no time trying his tired old lines on her.” Clay pushes my shoulder and I growl, whirling around to punch air since Curt’s pulled him away again.

“You two are fucking ridiculous. This woman hasn’t told you guys yet if she’s even interested in one of you. Maybe she doesn’t like either one of you.”

I smirk at both of them. “I think that kiss proved that’s not true. That was hot as hell. She wanted me.”

Clay pushes me again and Curt grunts, turning me again. “You two are going to have to talk to her. Because of your history it’s got to be spelled out exactly who she’s into so the other one doesn’t create more problems. And if you don’t stop this bullshit, I’m gonna run you both in. So settle your asses down!”

“Yeah, trouble like when he interrupted us.”

Clay mutters something under his breath and tugs himself free from Curt’s hold.

“I’m not discussing anything. If I want her, I’ll talk to her. Not the douche that I’m looking at.”

Then he stalks off and Curt and I share a knowing look.

We need to get this ironed out sooner rather than later. I want my woman and I’m not letting the douche canoe get his claws into her.



Iknew this was a mistake. The whole thing. A woman just isn’t in the cards for me.

I find the path to my house and follow it. But halfway there, I feel the pull to go check on Angel. I stand, conflicted and unsure.

Should I go and check on her at her place? I glance back behind me and see Curt talking to Sully in the front yard of Sully’s place. Sully’s eyes lift and his dark brows raise, daring me.

Well, fuck him!

I turn to her place, picking my way up the barely-used path. Ryder really didn’t get out much the last few years. He sure as heck didn’t go visiting.

“Who’s there?”

Her soft voice makes my dick hard instantly. Anger curls in my belly. What’s so damn special about this woman and why can’t I stop thinking about her. I don’t want a woman. I’ve had my fill of them.

But my heart has other ideas and it’s leading the way as I follow her bewitching voice like a man possessed.

I break out of the woods and see her sitting on the porch, rocking slowly on Ryder’s old rocking chair. Her cheeks are flushed and she glares at me like she’d like to shoot me.

Thank god she doesn’t have a gun right now or I’d be turning my ass right back around, hightailing it before she could get off a shot.

I sigh and step up to the porch, my head hanging, shoulders hunched. “I shouldn’t have said what I said. I never should have implied that you were less than just because you kissed Sully.” I almost choke on the words but push through. “He’s a decent guy. If that’s what you like,” I mutter under my breath.

Her head cocks to the side and her golden-brown hair slides down her arm. Heat grips me but I shove it the hell down. This is an apology. Not jumping her.

“Why do you hate him so much?” she asks.