
Iflex my fingers to get the blood circulating again before balling my fists and holding them up close to my face. Perspiration drizzles down the sides of my head, and I use an arm to push back my hair.

“You need a break?” Alexi, my father’s number two, grins at me and nods to a chair in the deserted gym. “Go on, sit down. Relax.”

“Fuck you, Alexi.” I narrow my eyes and straighten to my full height, which is damn close to his. “I’m ready.”

He holds up his wrapped hands, bouncing back and forth in a boxer-ready stance. His eyes narrow as he edges closer to me. I know he hates to go full force on me, but it’s required. Not like he has much of a shot since I pretty much kick his ass every time we spar.

And he really doesn’t have a choice, anyway. He’s been my punching bag for as long as I can remember.

Besides, if Viktor Ivanov gives you an order, you follow it. Period. No room for negotiations.

I whip out my fist, and it collides with his midsection. He swipes at me with a fist, but I back away just in time. He may be strong, but I’m fast. And speed is what counts right now. Seizing the opportunity to launch a strike at just the right time is what separates the winners from the losers.

And the killers and their victims.

I’d seen it firsthand.

I wasn’t able to do anything about it then. I didn’t have the skills.

Or the drive.

Or the rage.

Now I have all three, and I never plan on missing that opportunity ever again.

While his hand is away from his face, I twist to the side and shoot out my foot, hitting him square in the jaw.

I bet he wishes he’d put on his head gear right about now.

But I’m not finished with him yet. Another kick to the neck and then one power shot to the groin before he comes crashing to his knees.

I drop down in front of him, my chest heaving. I tear off my hand wraps and throw them at him with a smirk. “Looks like you’re the one who needs the rest now, huh?” I pant.

Alexi rolls over and groans. “You know, I didn’t sign up for this shit, Katarina. When your father assigned me gym duty, I thought I was just gonna get to watch you work out in those tight pants.”

I giggle and towel off my face. “Well, I’m still working out and wearing these tight pants.”

Alexi struggles to his feet. “Yeah, but now I’m sterile because of all the hits I’ve taken to the balls from you. You have a lot of hate down deep, babe.”

I square my shoulders. That’s the understatement of the century. “I keep telling you to wear the damn cup I bought you.”

He snickers. “It doesn’t fit. I told you I need the extra-large one.”

I nearly choke on the water I’m gulping. It sprays out of my mouth, dribbling down my chin. A fit of laughter bubbles in my chest, and pretty soon I’m gasping for air. “Enough fun stuff. I need a shower.”

“If my balls weren’t so purple from the bruises, they’d be blue.”

This whole conversation is bordering on the incestual, if you ask me. I mean, he’s my best friend, and we practically grew up together.

But…he’s still a guy. And I do look damn good in these Lululemons.

Alexi has always had a soft spot for me. His father used to work for my dad years ago but died in some kind of an accident. I don’t know the details, and Alexi never spoke of them…or his dad. His mother went back to Russia, and my father took Alexi under his wing.

I always thought that was odd. I can’t imagine my own mother leaving me and Lili with a stranger like that if she’d had the choice, but this life makes you do things you wouldn’t under normal circumstances.

Normal circumstances. I’d like to know what those are…