I toss the hand towel at him. “You’re lucky I like you. Otherwise, I’d have my father cut off your dick.”

“I’m not in the business of butchering anymore.”

I spin around, my father’s deep voice echoing in the empty space. “Papa! I didn’t know you’d be dropping by.”

“Leave us.” Papa eyes Alexi, who limps off to the locker room without hesitation. Papa may not be in the butchering department anymore, but he still knows how to wield a cleaver. And nobody is ever completely safe from his wrath, including Alexi.

I flop into a chair and let out a deep breath. I guess the shower will have to wait. “What’s up?”

Papa folds his arms and leans against a column. In his Armani ensemble. With his black hair and ice blue eyes he looks more like an elusive billionaire than a mob boss. “Where were you last night?”

I square my shoulders in anticipation of the storm that’s coming. “I went into the city.”

His eyes narrow. “Where in the city?”

I spring up from my chair. In situations like these, it’s best to go toe to toe with Viktor Ivanov. It shows strength. Sometimes stupidity, but mostly strength. And since I went behind his back and against his wishes with Raines, it’s best that I stand tall before he shoots me down. “I went to see an old friend.”

“Really,” Papa hisses, inching closer. “What would you say if I told you it wasn’t just your old friend who spent some quality time with you? What if I told you that someone else was there, too? Someone who took pictures of you?”

“Not possible.” I wave my hand in the air. “Nobody would know it was me. I wore a wig and used a car that can’t be traced—”

I try to play it off, but I can’t believe this is happening. I’ve never been sloppy before. How could anyone have known it was me with Raines? Mere surveillance wouldn’t have given away my identity!

And who the fuck are we even talking about?

I have so many faceless enemies…sometimes it’s a little hard to walk around in the light of day.

You just never know…

“Katarina,” he growls. “I told you to stay away from Raines. I told you to let it go!”

“I couldn’t, okay?” Angry tears spring to my eyes. I clench my fists. “He took from us! They all did! He needed to pay!”

Papa grabs my shoulders and gives me a shake. “That’s not how this works. I give the orders, do you understand? You don’t decide who pays and who doesn’t. It’s not up to you!” he roars.

My lips stretch into a tight line, teeth clenched. “He’s a scumbag who had a debt to pay.”

“That’s right. But not only to us. The people who tracked you want their money. Raines owed them.”

“He owed everyone! What the hell do they want from us?”

Eyebrows knitted, Papa frowns at me. “Payment.”

“So we’re supposed to settle up for Raines?” I let out a snort. “Are they insane? We’re not paying anyone off! We got screwed by him, too!”

“Killing him doesn’t erase the debt. That’s the message they sent.”

“And if we don’t pay?” I fold my arms across my chest.

“Don’t you understand? We will pay!” Papa’s voice chills my insides.


“They aren’t looking for money. Not anymore. When you killed Raines, when you disobeyed my orders, you became the payment!” Papa shouts.

I choke on the water I’m guzzling. “Me?” I sputter.

He nods. “Yes. You. This is exactly why I wanted you to stay away from him. But you never listen! How am I supposed to trust you if you can’t follow simple instructions?”