My fingers twitch as I toy with the lip gloss tube.


And here it comes…

I ignore her, of course, and that pisses her off.

Makes her friends egg her on.

Oh, Christ, this gets me off.

“I’m talking to you, bitch!”

A fingernail pokes me in the back and my spine stiffens. I swear my nipples get hard at the very same second.

Jesus, do I have problems…

I turn around slowly, a tight smile on my face. “I believe there are more polite ways of getting someone’s attention,” I say with the most fake smile I can muster.

The girl takes a few very confident steps toward me, her hands on her hips. I lift a brow and eye her heels. She couldn’t begin to imagine the damage I’ve done with stilettos like that in my sordid past.

Ignorance. It really is bliss.

“Nobody cockblocks me!” she shouts, flipping her hair over one bare shoulder. Extensions. Nice. I hope they’re the kind that are glued to her hair because they’re about to be ripped from her scalp.

My fingertips tingle, excitement coursing through me at what’s to come.

I know, but they don’t.

And when I’m finished here, I’m sure she’ll remember her manners next time and accept defeat with a little more grace and self-respect.

I say nothing. She wants me to engage, but I just watch. The alcohol flooding her veins is making her angry, vicious, and impulsive.

Ha! That’s my normal.

“Say something, you whore!” She closes the space between us, stumbling in heels she clearly wears only when she wants to get laid, and shoves me backward. But the force does nothing. My footing, unlike hers, is solid. Uncompromised.

But one push was all I needed. With one swift movement, I grab her wrist, flip her around so her back is against me, and hook my arm through hers. I apply pressure…just enough to make her yelp.

“You should be happy that all I did was cockblock you, sweetie.”

“Fuck you!” she rasps, gritting her teeth.

The bitch brigade springs into action and her two friends are now on either side of me. They think since my hands are occupied that I can’t possibly defend myself.

Fucking morons.

The girl wiggles against me, trying to break loose. I’m not even holding her that hard, but she’s compromised right now and she can’t do much except head butt me from behind.

It’s not really working well for her.

The other two stand on either side of me, exchanging glances. They don’t want to stand on the sidelines, but they clearly don’t have any clue how to take me out.

The one on my right is edging closer. When she reaches for my hair, I whip out a hand and fling it back, crushing it against her nose. I fling the girl in my arms around so she’s facing me and then I back her against the wall, my arm right under her chin.

“I don’t think dipshit number three wants to make a move, am I right?” I turn my head toward the third girl whose eyes are bugging out of their sockets. She shakes her head without a word.

Let her go, Kat. Let all of this anger go. Brutalizing this girl won’t bring me back, and you know it.