I wince, a sharp pain slicing at my insides. Sometimes I hear that voice…her voice…and wonder if she’s taken over as my conscience. When she was alive, I’d hear it a lot more — her attempt at using twin mental telepathy to keep me on the straight and narrow.

It worked…sometimes.

I grit my teeth and loosen my grip.

While Thing 1 chokes out some more expletives, Thing 2 is busy blubbering about the fact that I’ve just ruined her new ten-thousand-dollar nose.

I grin. “It really wasn’t worth ten grand. Maybe now you can get it done right.” I remove my arm from the throat of my first assailant, and her hands fly up to her neck as she chokes and gasps for air.

“You’re fucking crazy! You almost killed me!” she sputters.

I lean into her, pinning her to the wall with only my hard gaze. “Consider yourself lucky. I don’t usually let people live to tell the story.” I walk toward the door of the lounge, flexing my fingers.

She’s still in one, albeit a little bruised, piece. I could have mangled the shit out of her and her friends, but I didn’t. I listened…this time. Now I’m all alone again with a hell of a lot of pent-up rage surging through me.

I hope you’re happy, Lil.