I released him only to haul back and rock him in the face with my fist. His head bounced off the headboard, his nose gushing blood.

If I thought he’d speak, I was wrong, because he launched himself out of bed and returned my hit. Or at least he tried to. His fist grazed past my face before I unloaded my fury on his ribs. He let out a gasp as the blows sucked the air from his lungs.

He was quick and resilient. I had to give him credit where credit was due. He broke free from me and decked me back in the face, splitting my lip and making my ears ring.

Levin and Vin were on him in a minute, knocking him to the floor and holding him there on his knees as I wiped at the blood on my face.

I loomed over him and pointed the revolver back at his head. It wasn’t completely loaded since I hadn’t reloaded it from the last time I’d used it, but I was willing to send a message, even if that message was in blood.

He must have recognized the look on my face because he stared up at me, the first inkling of fear on his face.

“You’re Russian,” I murmured as sweat dotted his forehead. “You know how this roulette game goes, right?”

“Dom, fucking stop! I—”

I didn’t stop. I was never good at stopping.

I pulled the trigger, not knowing if the bullet was going to blast from the barrel or not, and not really giving a fuck.

The click echoed in the room.

Fallon slumped forward on his hands and knees, his body shaking.

“Guess you won that round,” I said, glaring down at him.

He looked up at me, his eyes wavering. “You’re insane.”

“Give me back my wife, or the next time, I’ll win.”

“I don’t fucking have her!” he shouted. “Maybe she fucking bailed because she was sick of your shit! You fucking prick! All you did was try to control her. You never let her breathe!”

“Or maybe she’s being fucked and tortured by a lord right now and screaming for help,” I snarled back.

His bottom lip quivered. “I don’t have her.”

“Fallon, man, come on,” Vincent said, stepping forward as Levin glared down at him with me. “It’s B, you know? Our B. We know you saw her that night.”

He visibly swallowed. “I haven’t forgotten who she is, Vin, but that doesn’t change anything. I don’t have her or know where she is. Yeah, I saw her that night. I tried to get her to leave with me. She refused. She was worried about you assholes. She turned me down for you. I left her there. I didn’t take her."

“You care though, right?” Vincent pressed, a pained look on his face. “You still care about our B?”

He sighed and shook his head. “She’s not mine anymore. I let her go. So I can’t care about her now. It fucking hurts too much after the shit I’ve done.”

“You were one of us,” Levin said.

“You’re right. I was. Then Dom decided I wasn’t anymore. I’m tired of fighting who and what I am. I was reminded of it. I’m not good for her. Or you. There will always be doubt about me since my roots are the lords.” He shrugged and wiped at the blood trickling from his nose. “I gave up. It’s just not my problem anymore.”

I swallowed hard as I stared down at him. “Were you ever really done with the lords? Or were you playing us through Bianca?”

He chuckled sadly. “I don’t know, man. I was there for her. That’s all I know. Wherever she was, I wanted to be there. But if she’s gone and has been taken, the chances of her still being alive are slim. You fucking know that. This is how our world operates. It’s an ugly truth. And if she ran, let her fucking go. For once, let her be free. Just… forget about her. Get a new wife. One who is willing to have your baby without a fight.”

My chest constricted with his words. “She was taken. We saw the footage. Someone here has her. She wouldn’t run. She just wouldn’t. So if you’re not going to help find the woman you claimed you loved, then really, what good are you?”

He let out a soft, dangerous laugh. “I’m the guy who is going to take over the lords. I’m your rival. If you hate me now, just wait. I suggest trying to kill me in my sleep if you’re not going to do it now because after this moment, I’ll be fucking unstoppable. It was you who taught me that, Dom. I’m tired of sitting in the backseat when I deserve to drive. So thank you. Now, if you aren’t going to put a bullet in my skull, would you kindly leave? I need to get some sleep. I have a lot of work to do later.”

I glared at him, grinding my teeth before I gave him a curt nod.

I really believed he didn’t know where she was. And that was a problem because if Fallon fucking Vasiliev didn’t know, who did?