“There she is,” Levin whispered.

Bianca moved quickly across the screen, her head down. She’d clearly been in a hurry to get to wherever she was headed.

Damnit, wasp.

I swallowed hard, my hands clenched into fists as a dark figured slipped into the frame and disappeared down the alley.

Fucking Vasiliev.

We continued to the watch the screen as Bianca came into view and disappeared down the alley too. I forwarded through the footage a good half hour before Ivanov came onto the screen. He looked like he was calling out for someone as he looked around. Fallon emerged from the alley, startling Ivanov. They walked off together before finally disappearing into the night.

Ten minutes after that, Bianca emerged, wiping at her eyes, looking disheveled.

“He hurt her,” Vincent murmured thickly.

I ground my teeth as I watched her walk quickly back toward our dorms. She hadn’t been paying attention at all, lost in whatever her thoughts were, her arms wrapped tightly around her small body. A dark figure slipped out behind her from the corner of a building, a hood over his face, and attacked her.

Bile burned my tongue as I watched her struggle against the hooded figure. He pressed a rag over her face, and even then, she fought.She kicked and bucked, tearing at whoever it was.

My heart jumped into my throat as she went limp in his arms, and he dragged her back into the thick trees.

We didn’t have an ID on whoever it was, but we’d already cross-referenced the visitor log. No one came onto campus that night. It had to be a student. Of course, that didn’t mean someone didn’t bribe someone to let them on campus, but I had my doubts. My guys were working the gates that night. I’d already put a gun to their heads too, and no one cracked. One pissed himself, but that was a normal response when a madman has a gun to your skull.

“It had to be someone here,” Levin murmured. He tugged at his blond hair in frustration and let out a soft snarl. “But who the fuck… I don’t think it was F-Word.”

“We need to talk to Fallon. He was clearly lying before,” I said, backing away from the screen. “Now.”

“Man, he won’t talk. I tried. He’s pissed off you kicked him out,” Levin said.

“Judging by the shit he’s doing, I’d say he never was a king.” Vincent shook his head. “I feel sick we trusted him. I wanted to believe he was one of us, but he doesn’t seem affected at all that B is gone.” A sad look morphed across Vincent’s face. “We have to find her. I can’t handle her being gone.”

I ground my teeth, taking in the distraught look on my friends’ faces. This was straight up bullshit. Someone knew something. We’d run through every possibility. I was convinced someone on campus took her, and the only ones stupid enough were the lords.

“The lords had that bet,” I murmured, nausea churning in my guts. “Whoever got Bianca got to fuck her. There’s no one else. It has to be them. And if they’ve touched her, I’ll kill them all. I swear it.”

“You and me both,” Levin said. “But fuck it. Let’s grab the F-Word and see if he’ll talk.”

I nodded, anger boiling in my guts. “Let’s go.”

* * *

I didn’t bother with the niceties. Instead, I kicked Fallon’s door in. It banged off the wall, and he sat up in bed with a start, his dark hair sticking up in all directions as he rubbed his eyes.

I wasted no time in crossing the room, Vin and Levin behind me after Vin closed the door.

“What the fuck, De Santis. I’m trying to sleep in here—”

I reached out and fisted his hair and jerked his head back, my gun beneath his jaw.


His Adam’s apple bobbed as he tried to look at me. “Nice weather we’re having, huh?”

I let out a snarl and gave his head a shake. “I’m not fucking playing. Where is she? Where’s Bianca?”

“I don’t fucking know,” he grunted. “Just because I was fucking your wife, doesn’t mean I know where she is when she comes up missing.”

I lost it. This guy had claimed to love her. Her sobs at his death still echoed in my head. Now he was pretending she never mattered to him? Fuck. That.