Fallon: I want to see you. To talk. Can you get away? Alone?

B: Yes.

Fallon: Meet me in the alley. Ten minutes?

B: Make it five.

“So F-Word lied. He lured her from the room…” Levin looked at us with wide, blue eyes.

“None of the security footage showed anything though,” I said. “Just ours when she left the room and the outdoor cameras saying she went west. We don’t know where she went from there. We don’t know if it really was Fallon. Someone else may have taken her.” I knew I was reaching, but I hoped beyond anything Fallon hadn’t done this.

“She must have taken Haywood Lane over instead of the main track. That’s why her phone was on the ground there. The science building’s cameras point west,” Levin said.

“She deleted that conversation from her phone,” Dom grunted. “She didn’t want us to see it.”

I ground my teeth.Damnit, B. . .

There was a knock on the door, and I got up to answer it to find Stella standing on the stoop. I gestured for her to come in.

“Where the hell have you been?” I asked.

“Trying to lay low. Things are hectic. Any word on Bianca?”

“We’re working on it.” I walked back to the computer, the guys and Stella behind me.

“We already looked at the science building’s security footage. There’s nothing. The cameras in the commons were down for maintenance for some dicked up reason,” Levin muttered. “If she took Haywood, she’s not on the cameras. It has to be something else.”

“Ask Professor Mundy,” Stella said.

Dom looked over his shoulder at her, frowning. “What?”

“Professor Mundy put a camera in his window. He said it was for science or bird watching, but everyone knows it’s because his classroom windows keep getting egged. Check his footage.” Stella raised her brows at us.

“You’re a fucking genius,” I said, giving her a fierce hug as Dom got to his feet, Levin beside him. Dom rushed around and grabbed his undershirt and uniform top and put them on before draping his red tie around his neck and grabbing his blazer.

He didn’t stop moving. He went straight to the door. When he reached it, only then did he pause and turn around to look at Stella.

“Thank you,” he said softly. “This may have all the answers.”

“You’re welcome,” she said, giving him a smile. “I hate that you’re miserable. Hopefully, it helps.”

He nodded. “I hope so too.”

He reached out and squeezed her hand and pulled the door open. We all left, Stella going left and us going right.

“Do you think it captured anything?” I asked as we rushed outside.

“I really fucking hope so,” Dom said before he broke into a run.

We’re coming, B. Please, just hold on for a little longer.



It didn’t take much to get Mundy to give us access to his footage. Instead of attending classes, we sat in his office going over footage of that night.

The quality was grainy, and I cursed the cheap fuck as I stared at the screen.