“Drake has explained your situation,” Liam said. “For what it’s worth, you have my apologies that it’s happened. I’m sorry we don’t always get a choice in this life. I know it better than most.”

I nodded. “I actually have a plan. To save her.”

“Oh fuck,” Drake groaned. “Look, I’m on borrowed time here. I need to tell De Santis where she is before he unloads his armory on me. I’m not at war with the kings. Never was. I played the fucking part to get in deeper with the lords. I can’t just forgo my alliance with the horsemen either. So something big needs to happen before I’m toast. This wasn’t part of the fucking plan.”

Liam looked to me and raised his dark brows. “Tell us your plan.”

“I want to fake her death,” I said simply.

The room was silent as both guys stared at me.

“Excuse me? What?How?” Drake finally demanded. “And why? Give her back to fucking De Santis and make a run for it, man.”

I shook my head. “She was hurt because I failed to act sooner. I won’t make the same mistake. I need to save her. I love her with every part of me there is. I can’tnotdo this.”

It was quiet again.

“What do you need?” Liam asked.

“Are you really fucking entertaining his crazy ass?” Drake demanded, shooting a disbelieving look at him.

Liam nodded. “I’d do it for Asha. I’d do anything for the woman I love. I understand where he’s coming from.”

I breathed out. This Liam was nothing like I expected, especially considering his reputation. I expected some bloodthirsty lunatic.

“I need a body,” I said.

Drake blinked at me.

“What sort of body?” Liam asked without missing a beat.

“A female body. One who looks like Bianca. Blonde.” I unlocked my phone and showed him a photo of Bianca.

“You’re fucking nuts,” Drake muttered. “Where the hell are we going to get a body? Especially one that’s willing to die?”

Liam ignored him. “I can get you one. You require it to be dead though, right?”

“Yes,” I said. He said it so easily that it sent a shiver down my spine.

“How long do I have?” he asked.

“You’re just going to go out and murder someone?” Drake demanded.

Liam glanced at him. “It’s what I do.”

“I need it as soon as possible. By nightfall.”

Liam looked out the window. “You’re cutting it close. Tell me the plan.”

“We burn down the house they kept Bianca in. We leave the body inside tied to the bed. Drake gives the location of the house. They find her body. The lords are gone by now, I’m sure. Dom will search high and low for them, myself included. I’ll be gone before he can find me.”

Liam surveyed me for a long time before he spoke. “I can make that happen.” He got to his feet. “Get together everything you need from your girl to put on the other girl. Her t-shirt. Jewelry. All of it. I’ll be back in an hour.”

Drake swore as I got to my feet and shook Liam’s hand.

“Thank you,” I said.

“I like the way you think,” Liam said. “We can discuss payment later.”