I nodded tightly. I knew nothing in this world was free.

Liam released my hand and walked out the door without a look back.

“You better hope this works,” Drake said. “Or you’re really fucked. De Santis and the kings will kill you, man.”

“I know,” I said turning to go back to Bianca. “But I’ll worry about that another time. Right now, I need your help getting that fucking collar off my girl’s neck.”

Drake sighed and got to his feet, following me into Bianca’s room.

This was happening.



Istared down at the dead blonde girl in the trunk of Liam’s car as the moonlight filtered down on us.

She bore an uncanny resemblance to Bianca. Once her body was burned, they’d never know the difference. I doubted Dom would have her DNA tested if he saw Bianca’s jewelry on her. He’d bury her silently and go to war.

He’d do Drake’s job of taking out the lords for him.

My guts ached as the implications of what I was doing took hold. I liked the kings. Dom pissed me off, and I was especially angry at him after he booted my ass out, but overall, they were decent guys who loved Bianca endlessly. I knew this was going to hurt them, but Bianca was my priority right now. Her safety above all others. She wouldn’t be herself once she healed. Trauma never left anyone’s heart or soul untouched. She needed this freedom, and I had no problem giving it to her.

I had the means. And now I had the plan.

I’d removed Bianca’s jewelry while she was out cold. Her wedding ring. The crown necklace. It took Drake and me a lot of effort, but we finally were able to pick the lock on the collar and get it off her.

I reached into the trunk and put the necklace on the dead girl. I hooked the collar into place before I slid Bianca’s wedding ring onto her finger. With some effort, we had her striped down and in Bianca’s bloody t-shirt within moments.

“Does she have a name?” I asked softly as I stared down at the dead beauty.

“Lacy Clark. She owed money to one of my associates and had tried to pay for a hit on him. The hit was on her since last Friday. It’s why I was in town.”

“She’s young,” I muttered.

“Twenty-three,” Liam said. “Real bitch I heard. She gave me a run for my money. I’m sure I broke her ribs just like your pretty blonde has. I ended up suffocating her. She died quick once the fight went out of her. It’s like tonight was meant to be.”

I swallowed thickly and closed the trunk.

“Let’s go.”

* * *

Liam came with us to the house. He turned a camera on in Bianca’s room and gave her more meds. We’d at least be able to keep watch on her while we were busy.

I’d be lying if I said my heart wasn’t in my throat the whole time. The ride was a silent one. When we reached the house, we hefted Lacy’s body out of the trunk and brought her to the basement after making sure it was clear. Worst case scenario, the lords were still down there. It was also the best-case scenario because we’d torch them with the house. Unfortunately, they’d busted down the door and had gotten free.

Quickly, I laid Lacy’s cold body in the bed where Bianca had been hours ago and twisted the razor rope around her wrists tightly, making deep rivets in her skin. I’d never mutilated a body before, so I wasn’t exactly a pro at it, but Liam grabbed her legs and strapped her down, cutting her legs all to fuck with the ropes before he punched her in the face on repeat.

“Realism,” he said with a shrug. “She hit me first.”

Drake shook his head.

Liam was an interesting guy.

When Liam was done, he stepped back as I stared down at her, the matches in my hand. Drake poured the fuel around the room, the smell tainting my nostrils.

I watched as he dumped the gasoline on her body, the smell surrounding us.