“My room. Tonight,” Dominic said softly. “Midnight.”

Fallon gave a curt nod before looking over Dominic’s shoulder to Levin. “Take care of our girl. And stop trying to kick my ass. I’m on your side, twat.”

“Not my fault you don’t like it rough, sweetheart,” Levin shot back.

Fallon gave him the finger before blowing me a kiss. “Nice hit, princess. See you later.”

I grinned at him before he loped off in the direction Tate had gone.

Dominic turned to us. “Why can’t I leave you alone for a minute?”

“We weren’t looking for trouble,” I argued as Dominic tugged me out of Levin’s hold.

“Right. Trouble just found you,” Dominic grumbled, sighing as he inspected me. “You good,mia regina?”

I swallowed as he took the hand I’d punched Tate with and kissed my knuckles.

“I’m fine.”

“You never fail to amaze me, wasp.” He peered past me to Levin. “And you should’ve stopped her.”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake. I didn’t know she was going to start a damn bar fight,” Levin complained. “She’s unpredictable. Besides, I thought it was hot as fuck.”

Dominic sighed again as his green eyes swept over me. “It was hot as fuck.”

I smirked, which only made him chuckle and kiss my knuckles again.

“Vin would’ve loved it,” he said, wrapping his arm around me and leading me down the path again. “I can’t wait to tell him. But first, we need to get some ice on your knuckles.”

Levin took my other hand in his and twined his fingers through it.

“It was dangerous though,” Dominic continued.

“I was angry. I’m not going to apologize for it,” I said, shrugging as we walked.

“Unapologetic. Ah, she’s fucking perfect,” Levin said with a laugh.

Dominic shook his head. When we reached our building, we went inside and got into the elevator.

“Alessio said my father just bought a new place over in South Haven. He’s extending an invitation to me for a housewarming party,” Dom said as the elevator dinged on our floor.

“Is he crazy?” I said, staring to him with wide eyes.

“He is.”

“Are you going?” Levin demanded as Dominic unlocked our door and stepped inside.

We followed him in, and Levin closed the door.

“I don’t know. Alessio was going to get more information to see where my father’s head is. But with him, you never know. Alessio said Klaus is bringing new girls into the palace. Father wants me there tomorrow night to receive them.”

“Fuck him.” Levin grunted, releasing my hand and going to Dominic’s whiskey. He poured himself a glass as I went into the bathroom to wash my hands.

I listened while they continued to speak, the door open a crack.

“I’ll have to go if I want to end him. I need to get close to him to actually kill the bastard,” Dominic’s voice carried into the bathroom. “I want Bianca to be safe. She’s not safe with all these assholes running around. I thought marrying her would save her. And I suppose in a way it has, but I need to get her pregnant.”

“Man, stop with that shit,” Levin’s voice lowered. “Maybe she doesn’t want to get knocked up right now. Why are you so adamant on it? Why doesn’t she get a choice?”