“Because she’smywife, Levin.Mine. I make her decisions. I’m in charge. I need my heir. I wantmywife to carrymychild. I know she won’t be harmed by my father if she’s pregnant. If I can’t kill him, she needs to be carrying my baby. It’s our best safety net.”

“You don’t know that. He’s fucking insane—”

“He won’t touch her. She’ll be safe. I know she will be,” Dominic’s voice grew soft. “She needs to be. I can’t do this shit again. Almost losing her. . .” his voice trailed off.

“I know,” Levin murmured. “I know, Dom. But think about it.”

“I’m doing it.”

I swallowed as I stared at myself in the mirror. I loved Dominic De Santis, but damnit, he was a fucking asshole sometimes.

I pulled open the drawer and felt around on the underside of it to the packet I’d taped there and slipped out a birth control pill. Quickly, I popped it into my mouth before sliding everything back in place.

I drank a glass of water as I took in my reflection, knowing damn well Dominic De Santis wouldn’t stop until he got what he wanted.



“You pissed off Tate,” Fallon said, settling on the chair in my room later that night.

Bianca sashayed out of the bathroom in the red silk nightie I couldn’t get enough of and went straight for Fallon. He pulled her onto his lap and kissed her, his hand gripping her ass.

“Could’ve just killed him,” Levin said, handing me a glass of whiskey and watching Fallon manhandle my wife.

Seeing him with her still pissed me off, but it was mostly because she gravitated to him whenever he was in the room. I figured that was because she barely got to see him like she saw the rest of us.

Still didn’t make me happy though.

“Bianca,” I called out.

She broke her kiss off and stared at me with those pretty, blue eyes.

I snapped my fingers and pointed to the floor.

She hesitated for all of a moment before she got to her feet and eased to her knees in front of me while Fallon cussed me out.

I tilted her chin up so she was staring at me.

“We need to talk business. If you’re a good girl, maybe you’ll be rewarded. Would you like that?”

She licked her lips, making my cock thicken, and nodded.

“Stay here on your knees for me, OK? Not one word from your mouth.”

She glanced to Fallon, but I was quick to steer her face back in my direction.

“Focus on me,mia regina. Only me. Can you do that?”

She nodded and gazed back at me.

“Good girl,” I praised, thumbing her bottom lip before I turned my attention to Fallon and Levin.

“She could be on her knees by me right now. Or on my lap,” Fallon complained. “I hardly get to see her.”

“Do I need to promise you a reward too?” I raised my brows at him.

Levin laughed softly and sipped his drink as Fallon’s gaze darted to Bianca. He had it just as bad as the rest of us. Boy, the magic my wasp could weave on men.