“Only if the reward is her,” he said.

“We’ll see. Tell me any new information you have.”

“There’s not a lot, man. The horsemen are alive and pissed off. Hail is mad about the warehouse. His father bloodied his nose over it. Sergio is furious over the entire attack on your father’s place. It’s really just a tangled mess. Oh, and Hail is still hellbent on taking Bianca from you. Drake laughed about her kicking Tate’s ass, and I’m pretty sure Trent got a hard-on when Tate relived the tale.”

“Fucking weirdos,” Levin muttered, drinking more.

“Stella said Hail has Celeste under surveillance. He’s watching her to keep her safe from you. It’s my understanding, she hasn’t said anything to her old man about what she did yet. And I’m pretty sure Drake and her are fucking again.”

Levin snorted. “He must like sloppy pussy.”

I caught the hurt expression on Bianca’s face. Levin had fucked Celeste ten ways to Sunday during their breakup. I knew hearing the reminder brought my wife pain, but she needed to hear it, so she didn’t fuck things up again with her stubbornness.

“She’s going to pay for what she did. Her irrational behavior nearly cost Vin and Bianca their lives. When I’m done, she’ll be sorry just like the rest of them,” I said firmly.

I didn’t care if her old man and I did have a decent transaction. It didn’t change the fact that Celeste had fucked up.

“I don’t disagree,” Fallon said evenly. “I’ll pull the trigger myself.”

I nodded. “You’re closest to her. You might be the only one who can at this point.”

“Just say when.” He took the glass of whiskey Levin offered him and drank deeply.

Levin shook his head and refilled it for him.

“Soon,” I said, glancing at Bianca with her hands resting on her thighs, her head down.

I looked to Levin and nodded to my bedside table. He reached out and pulled a joint from the drawer. After he sparked it up, he handed it to me. I took a deep, fortifying hit and let the smoke coat my lungs before pulling Bianca’s lips to mine and blowing the smoke into her mouth. She took it without a fight and inhaled for me. I shifted to break away from her, but she tangled her fingers in my hair and pressed her lips harder against mine, blowing the smoke back into my mouth.

I breathed her in before exhaling, so the smoke wrapped around us like a blanket. I bit her bottom lip, making her whimper.

“Back to your position, wasp,” I said with a growl against her lips.

She went back to her demure position, her head down.

Fuck, why was she so hot?

When I lifted my gaze, Levin was watching us, a look of hunger in his eyes and Fallon was leaning forward in his seat.

I hit the joint again then passed it to Levin, who took some before he handed it to Fallon.

“The horsemen,” I said as Fallon took a deep hit, “I want their bitch.”

Bianca fidgeted at my feet. I tsked at her before focusing back on the guys.

“We can certainly take her,” Levin said. “And we don’t have to do the same shit they did. We don’t need to negotiate. Putting a bullet in her head will send a strong message.”

Bianca’s hand landed on my thigh. “No. She’s probably just as innocent as I am—”

I silenced her by pressing my thumb to her lips. “Shh.”

She glared up at me but didn’t push.

“Based on what I’ve heard through Trent and Drake, it might be wise to use the horsemen to your advantage rather than piss them off again,” Fallon said.

I narrowed my eyes at him. “What do you know?”

“Not much. Just what Trent said. Someone close to them who feeds him information. Guess the guy is friendly with their girl. Sounds like a total shit show the horsemen are dealing with regarding the friendship, but apparently, the guy said he overheard the horsemen admitting they planned the entire thing with the Ivanov warehouse. Like it was a test. They aren’t after just your asses. They’re after the lords now too.”