“I’m with the F-Word here,” I added. “We need a plan.”

“The plan is for Fallon to keep getting information,” Dom said, pressing a kiss to B’s temple.

She stared at the floor, not saying a damn word, which was surprising. Usually, she’d have called someone a fucker by now and Dom would’ve reprimand her. This time, she remained silent. That was more frightening than her speaking her mind.

“I don’t want anyone hurt,” Bianca finally whispered.

“No one is going to get hurt,” Levin said firmly. “At least not you.”

“I’m not worried about me.” B broke free of Dom’s hold and stared at each of us in turn. “I’m worried about poor Rosalie Bishop. She’s probably just like me, and everyone is talking about fucking or killing her. She doesn’t deserve that. No one does just because of who they love.”

Fallon sighed and nodded.

I stepped forward and cradled B’s delicate face. “Baby B, I know what you’re saying. I really, truly do, but no one in our world is safe. Everyone bleeds sometimes. It’s just the way it is. It’s how the weak are kept down and how the strong continue to reign. It’s war, baby. Plain and simple. And war has casualties. I’d rather it be someone else’s girl than ours,” I said gently.

She visibly swallowed and shook her head. My hands fell away from her face.

“I disagree that someone innocent has to bleed for a bunch of assholes to have power.”

“The solution is for us to take out the Bishop girl. Then we pin it on the lords. But at the end of the day, we’d all still be warring,” Dom cut in.

“But then it would put F-Word right back in with bumblebee,” Levin interjected. “He wouldn’t have to worry about grabbing the horsemen’s girl because the problem would be gone if we just do it as planned.”

“No,” Bianca snarled. “Not fucking happening, Lev—”

She didn’t get to finish her sentence because Dom moved swiftly and covered her mouth with his hand. She struggled against him until he whispered something in her ear that made her eyes flash before she went still. Her forehead crinkled, but the anger didn’t dissipate from her trembling body.

“Fallon, you know the lords inside and out,” Dom said. “Ifwedo something about the Bishop girl, will it help with Bianca?”

I’d never heard Dom sound so uncertain before.

Fallon sighed. “I don’t know, man. She was promised to me, but Hail changed course. And he’s not just considering taking her from you to fuck. He’s talking aboutkillingher.”

“Then maybe we need to speak to the horsemen,” Dom said.

“What for?” I demanded. I’d like nothing more than to use Lorenzo De Luca as a fucking pincushion.

“Because they’re strong. They’re smarter than we gave them credit for. You guys know that. Look at what went down at that warehouse. They knew the lords weren’t to be trusted.” Dom pressed a kiss to B’s temple, his hand still over her mouth. “I hate to say it, but I think we need them. I don’t have the best fucking means right now to fight this war from all sides. I can, but I really don’t fucking want to. So why not offer them information as a way to get a truce?”

“Fuck them. They tried to hurt bumblebee,” Levin snarled. “Not interested.”

“The only thing I want from them is blood,” I added. “Not just for my baby B, but because those fucks stole mine. Fuck them.”

“Fallon?” Dom asked, turning his attention to him.

Fallon’s gaze darted to B before he sighed. “I want what Bianca wants. I want her safety too. If it means an alliance with those assholes, then I’m in.”

“The fuck? F-Word, you little Russian cunt,” Levin whisper-yelled.

“Fuck you, you German shit fuck,” Fallon snapped back. “I want Bianca protected, and I know she’s in real fucking danger. Dom is right. We can’t fight from all sides.”

“Enough,” Dom growled. “It’s two on two. Bianca. What do you want?” He removed his hand from her mouth, and she licked her lips.

“I want to save Rosalie Bishop. I hate the horsemen too, but I don’t think innocent people deserve to die. I think we should try.”

Levin threw his hands in the hair and let out a snarl of frustration.

I sighed. Fucking baby B and her sweetness.