“Plans like having Fallon fuck someone else?” Bianca snipped.

I closed my eyes. I loved my girl, but fuck was she sassy. I rested my hand over her clenched one and gave it a squeeze.

“Not those plans. Plans about tonight. Once this meeting is over, we can go over what other things need to be done. It may be nothing. OK?” Dom turned and looked at her. “Answer me, wasp.”

She let out a huff of air and folded her arms over her chest.

“Bianca,” Dom barked at her.

“Yes, Dominic,” she muttered.

He nodded and looked to me. “We’ll get this sorted.”

“You’re damn right we will,” I said fiercely.

He visibly swallowed before putting the car into drive and pulling back onto the road.

If the horsemen and lords were lucky, we’d just end up tearing ourselves apart judging by how shit was going down.



“Iswear I’ll scream until my voice is gone,” B snarled as Dom steered her down the hallway in one of his buildings.

This particular building was one he hoped to turn into an actual office building for some of the companies he owned. Dom started getting into computer chips and other bullshit like book publishing I didn’t care to understand a few months back. It seemed like a legit interest, so we let him dabble without giving him too much shit. Typically, Levin or I told him if an idea wasn’t good, but these seemed like they could work. Dom had always been interested in technology. And books. Fuck, he loved books. His bedroom in his father’s house, which he’d burned down, could’ve rivaled the biggest library in the damn city.

“Why must you be so difficult?” Dom asked with a sigh, tugging her to a stop in a corridor off a conference room. Half the place was being remodeled, so plastic was draped all over the damn place and it smelled of fresh paint.

I would’ve chosen another color beside white for the walls. Too sterile and boring. Magenta and neon green would’ve been better. Really spice it up.

But I didn’t know shit about interior design either.

“I’m not being difficult. You are,” she snapped back.

“Just let her come with us,” Levin offered. “I’ll keep her in check.”

Dom rubbed his eyes for a moment before finally nodding. I grinned at B who offered me the smallest of smiles. She knew being a pain in Dom’s ass would get her what she wanted. I’d call her my little spoiled brat if I didn’t think she might smack me with a lamp like she’d done on her wedding day.

“Jake and Dylan are at the door,” Dom informed us as we entered the conference room.

B jerked out of Dom’s hold and marched to one of the old office chairs in the room and sat down. I wanted to rush to her, but I also wanted to be able to put a bullet in these assholes if need be.

Levin moved to B’s side and gave me a quick nod to let me know he had her.

Fallon stood beside me while Dom paced.

We knew the plan. We were armed to the teeth. The court would disarm the horsemen if they wanted in. It was that simple.

“Dominic?” Jared, one of our court members, said as he popped his head in. “Doc is here.”

Dom nodded sharply, and Jared opened the door wider to let Doc Alan in. He surveyed the room and raised his brows.

“Patient’s on the way,” Dom said, his green eyes fixed on the door.

“What sort of injury?”

“Gunshot to the leg.”