“And you…Fallon Vasiliev. A lord. How the hell did this union happen?” Enzo asked, raising his dark brows.

“He was fucking Bianca behind our backs,” Levin said.

Fallon shot Levin a nasty look. The two of them always seemed to be up each other’s ass over something. The rivalry was driving me nuts.

“Bianca was supposed to marry Hail. Her stepfather arranged everything with the Ivanovs. Hail isn’t exactly a chocolates and roses sort of guy. He was hurting her. I tried to keep her safe during their engagement. But I fell for her hard the moment I saw her,” Fallon finished softly.

“So you joined forces with the kings in order to keep her?” Enzo stared at B again, a sad expression blanketing his face.

“I did. I’d been wanting to leave the lords for a long time. I’d planned on just going underground after I graduated. Then I met her. I couldn’t leave her. I would’ve died for her. Still would,” Fallon said, glancing fondly at B, who offered him a small smile that didn’t quite reach her pretty, blue eyes.

I knew she was pissed at him because he hadn’t resisted Dom attempting to dictate where Fallon puts his dick. Hopefully, now it wouldn’t be an issue.

“And you don’t think he’stheirinside man?” Enzo asked, turning back to Dom.

Dom studied Fallon for a moment. “He’s saved Levin’s life. He’s saved Bianca. He loves her. I’ve seen it. Fallon is one of us. And if he isn’t, he’s a dead man.”

Fallon’s lips quirked up. The tension flowed from his body. Enzo did raise an important question though. I would’ve asked it too. It seemed like there were a shit ton of secrets floating around. It made trusting people a little harder.

“Our inside man is new. Possibly volatile,” Enzo continued. “But Fallon is an asset.”

“We think so too,” Dom said, nodding to Fallon.

“Are there plans for him to continue with the lords, or will he be leaving them like he wants?”

“It depends on a few factors.” Dom glanced to B, who stiffened in her seat. “The lords want to know where he’s been disappearing to. Fallon had told them he was seeing someone on campus but then said it wasn’t working out. So now we’re in a bit of a bind for a believable excuse for his disappearing act. Either he’s fucking some random chick, or he leaves the lords and lets everyone know he’s switched sides.”

Enzo’s dark gaze swept to B. There was just something in the way he looked at her that gave me a sense of sadness.

“You don’t want that, huh?” Enzo asked gently.

B’s blue eyes locked on his. “I don’t.”

Enzo nodded and rubbed his hand along his jaw. “Maybe I can help. If we can keep him on the inside track with the lords, I can supply a Mayfair girl as a cover for him. She’s good for it. She owes me a favor anyway. He can just play pretend with her when he needs to so Queenie doesn’t get hurt any more than she has been. I can set it up. He can say he’s with her when he’s with you guys. She’ll confirm it if asked.”

I glanced to Fallon, who stared at B.

“B?” I called out gently. “Would that work?”

She peeked up from her ring twisting again and let out a breath. “Fine.”

It wasn’t afinethat made me believe someone wouldn’t get their dick kicked in later, but it was a hell of a lot better solution than Fallon finding a girl and attempting a real relationship with her on campus. Hell, I’d even pay this girl Enzo knew if it meant Fallon didn’t have to do shit with someone else.

“So be it,” Dom said.

Enzo nodded. “Fox, get on it.”

Fox immediately pulled his phone out and began texting.

“So that’s it?” I asked, tearing my gaze from B, who looked like she was ready to break.

Levin and I owed her a pick-me-up.

“We can meet at a later date. Go over more details,” Enzo said.

“You should try the sugar,” Ethan cut in. “Before you go. You don’t even know if you’ll like it enough to join up that side. I’ve tried the weed you cut.” Ethan fixed his stare on Dom. “In fact, it’s rather good. I’d actually like to talk to you about it.”

Dom lifted his brows. “OK. I’m listening.”